Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 3 Press 24th September 2013

Upper mob + stretch

Bar * 10
30kg * 10
40 * 5
50 * 5
57 * 3
66 * 2
71 * 1
76 * 1
80 * 14 (PR)
85 * 1
90 * 1
95 * 1
100 * 1
105 * 1 (PR)
100 * 3 (PR)
90 * 3
Today is apparently a PR day. All the PR lifts were done with wrist wraps though, in light of my recently sprained right wrist. Today the pressing groove was really good. The rep set felt really nice and light, but weren't super strict in that I dropped them faster and tried to get a fast tempo rather than go rep by rep. I would actually consider all the sets from 95kg onwards PRs as this time the reps were all strict. 100 moved relatively easy, but 105 was a grinder. My theory is that my super small baby wrists are a limiting factor. A bit lazy to go into detail so if you want to know more just drop me a text. Good press day, looks like the rep work did help a little.

Incline Close grip Pause bench
60 * 10
80 * 5 * 5
*add foam pad*
60 * 10 * 5
Rest time in between was 45 secs. All reps were paused for a second. These were much tougher than expected. My tris were really fried by the end.

DB overhead tricep extension
12 * 15 * 4
Rest time was 30s.

Rope pushdowns
3 sets of 15
Rest time was 30s.

Banded Chest presses (Med band + light band)
3 sets of 20
Rest time was 30s.

Talk about a pump. Triceps were burning up towards the end, and my chest was pumped up. I actually have a chest! My fever was gone by this morning, I think it might have been the deadlifting yesterday hehe Spent an hour and a half stretching out after training though. What an awesome session to kickstart my holiday and complete deload!! Update you guys in a week's time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 3 Deadlift 23rd September 2013

60kg * 5
100 * 5
130 * 3
160 * 1
180 * 1
200 * 5
225 * 1

Deficit Stiff legged Deadlifts (4")
180 * 3 * 4
Short rest time in between.

Wide Grip Pull ups (Weighted)
BW * 10
10 * 10
15 * 8
20 * 8

BB rows
60 * 8
100 * 8
105 * 8
110 * 8

Lat pulldowns
95 * 12 * 4

Wasn't planning to train today due to my fever, but when you have a young punk egging you on (SAM LIM KOK WEI I'M TALKING TO YOU), you have no choice but to man up and do it. Temperature was 38.5 and my whole body felt like it was run over by a steamroller. The deadlifts were fast though, and the 'top' set of 200 * 5 was easy. Mistakenly put 225 on instead of 215, but got it anyway. Shall cease to be so careless next time. Was thinking of going for a max, but my head was pounding pretty hard, so saving it for another time. Probably shouldn't have done the accessories, but my pride does not know when to say no, so as a result, I now feel like I got trampled on by bulls. DAMN YOU SAM! TRYING TO BULLY AN OLD MAN! haha but thanks for the push #365strong 

Popped two panadols and gonna crash. BOOM

Friday, September 20, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 3 Bench 21st September 2013

Upper mobility + stretching

Band warm up

Close grip Bench
Bar * 10
40kg * 5
60 * 5
68 * 5
82 * 3
95 * 2
102 * 1
109 * 1
116 * 6 (lol)
120 * 1
125 * 1
130 * 1
133 * 1
135 * 1
138 * 1

Reverse Band (small bands) Close grip bench
120 * 5
130 * 5
140 * 5
145 * 3 * 3
150 * 3 * 2

Low decline Bench
90 * 10 * 2
80 * 10

Low incline Flyes
20 * 10 * 5

Overhead DB tricep extensions
20 * 12 * 4

GHR abs
10 * 20 * 3

Leg raises
BW * 20 * 3

Hmmmm apparently juggernaut isn't really working well for my bench. But then again I changed my bench to a close grip bench, so that might be the reason for the low reps. I feel like i need to do up my frequency on bench and push it harder if I want to move any decent weight on it. *coughSHEIKOcough*

Anyway, just got one rep past the standard today on the top set, so decided to just push my singles for close grip to see where I stood. Took smaller increments, but didn't go for 140kg because I was pretty shagged by then. Did more overloading work with the reverse bands, then some chest work with the low decline and flyes. These were done super controlled, hence the really low weight, but my chest is actually cramping up now. Ow. I think I probably will be finishing up the 3s wave for juggernaut anyway, since first two weeks of november I am going on course. Will reevaluate this again and see if running sheiko #29 will be better for oct or finishing up the 3s wave. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 3 Squat 19th September 2013

Bar * 10, 10
60kg * 5
95 * 5
112.5 * 4
132.5 * 3
142.5 * 2
152.5 * 1
160 * 11 (PR!)
160 * 2 * 4 Practiced slight pausing and then accelerating maximally

*Add medium reverse bands*
160 * 5
180 * 3
200 * 1
210 * 2

*Remove bands*
180 * 5 (PR!)

Paused Squats
160 * 1
150 * 3 * 3

Front squats
60 * 10 * 5

BW * 20 * 1

GHR abs
10kg plate * 50

Talk about a good session! Two massive PRs today! Went past my target of 10 reps for 160kg with 11 reps instead, and felt so good after the reverse bands that I decided to try 180kg for reps. My previous PR with 180 was only 2 reps. Rather stoked that I got 5 because this was done after previous work sets. Actually felt pretty stiff today, but ended up killing some good shit, and with no mobility or stretching warm ups 0_o Had to wrap my right wrist though, from the sprain on tues. Kinda lame, but oh well. Also, I don't think this was evident all this while, but all the lifts are done beltless and wrapless cos I had some ppl asking me if these were belted.

From a technical perspective though, my racking felt weird, and the bar felt uneven, even though the squat groove was smooth. Upper shelf could have been much tighter because of this and after analyzing my pictures, I realize that the bar seems to be unevenly biased towards the left. Funny thing is this actually made my squat groove better because my tendency is to drift to the right due to tighter right psoas, but this came at the expense of my upper back tightness. Definitely need to correct a shitload. Wanted to go slightly heavier on the Front squats, but by this time, my legs were so fried, I could only manage 60s for sets of 10, so I just cut the rest time for them (about 45s). Quads were pumped, but managed to really sit down. New respect to Abel because doing this with higher weight really means you have to have some fucking strong (and massive) quads. Thompson beast I'm coming for you!

I probably won't squat again for 2 weeks cos next week thurs i'll be in sydney, and that first week is a deload cum holiday in the moutains with my girl. Hopefully I can get back into the groove after that! Depending on how I feel, I might continue with the 3s wave week 1 in sydney, or just take another week off, and do sheiko #29 after i'm back.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 2 Press 17th September 2013

Upper body mobility and stretching

Bar * 10 million
30kg * 10
40 * 10
50 * 5
61 * 2
69 * 2
74 * 5 * 3
74 * 6

GHR abs
BW * 50 * 3

I sprained my wrist after the 3rd set with 75kg, cos I tripped and fell awkwardly on it. It swole up, but I wrapped it and went for the last set anyway. Only managed 6 reps cos the pain while pressing was just intense. Just did some abs after I wrapped an ice pack on it. Pretty bad shit. Hopefully it'll heal in time for squatting on thurs.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Juggernaut 5s wave Week 2 Deadlift 16th September 2013

Here is a rough time line of my 15 min deadlift workout:

0:00 - 60kg * 5 (Deadlifts)
4:00 - 100 * 5
6:00 - 140 * 5
7:30 - 150 * 2
8:00 - 170 * 2
9:00 - 180 * 5
10:00 - 180 * 5
11:30 - 180 * 5
12:45 - 180 * 12 (done with straps)
13:45 - Bw * 10 (pullups)
14:30 - bw * 20 (pullups)
15:00 - DONE

I kid you not. Went to eat maccas with Bryan around noonish, with the plan to train at ziklag, but some stuff came up and I had to train in school and only had less than half an hour to do so. Was so bloated and 'full' from the food, but somehow managed to get in the work sets without puking lol Gonna do a ton of back work tmr.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bench Meet 14th September 2013

Close grip Bench
120kg * 1
130 * 1
135 * 1
100 * 12 (lol)

45kg * 1
65 * 1

Today was the bench meet and it was really fun! Had to bench close grip, cos my shoulder didn't feel good. Couldn't push fast without it hurting, so had to take it slow. Still, this is a PR for me, since i've never paused closegrip my bench before. Played with the farmers handles after that with a bunch of the rest, was really fun too, but took my time with it cos every step my quads were aching from friday's squat sesh. Good shit. Am excited to finish up the 5s wave and hopefully move on to the 3s wave. Might not do the 3s wave and instead run a cycle of smolov for my squat and bench due to it's simplicity, and also cos it's about 1 year since I last ran the smolov meso cycle for my squat. We'll see how things go! All a matter of timing!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 2 Squat 13th September 2013

Lower body rolling + stretching

Mobility drills for hip and ankle

Bar * 5, 5
60kg * 5
100 * 5
123 * 2
137 * 2
150 * 5 * 3
150 * 15 (PR)
Squats were feeling good today, after about 40 mins of mobility and flexibility work. I think I will have to do more of this on the off days instead of just flexibility. last 3 reps of the top set my hips rose much faster. I can safely say I roughly one more ugly ass rep left in me. Today's work set was a departure from my usual habit of stopping at technical failure, where I probably would have stopped at 12 according to today's performance. I guess I was too motivated by yesterday's shit bench sesh and wanted to make up for it with today's squats. No doubt pushing once in a while is good, but I think emotions should never drive the training per se. My lower back is feeling tight now but I think some mob and flexibility work will help ease it out. Still, with all that said, am pretty happy with the new PR.

Paused Squats
130 * 3 * 3
I didn't count the pauses. Also happy with the execution, because despite the lower back feeling it a little, I managed to keep my torso in position and not let the squat turn into a good morning. Am also not so concious of the knees, allowing them to drift a little in, but not collapse. Felt these in my quads.

Reverse Band Squats (small band)
160 * 3
170 * 3
180 * 3
These felt heavier than I thought they would, cos I usually use a medium band. I imagine the deload was about 20kg at most, cos i later tested the bands after and the bar was touching the safeties even after I loaded it on the bands.

Front Squats
100 * 5
120 * 2
130 * 2 * 5
60 * 8 * 2
Talk about a grind. These were hard, not just on the quads, but also on my T-spine. So glad I did the mob work for it with the dowel before the sesh. My front squats are still poor as shit, and I can't really seem to sit down straight the way Abel does. I will probably work them hard on their own seperate day in future programmin, maybe on deadlift days. Also, I think I will go up to a couple of heavy singles next week for this movement and follow it up with multiple sets of 10s just to work my quads more. I still have teardrops of sadness :(

5 * 10 * 3

A2: GHR abs
5 * 20 * 3

A3: Wide grip Pull ups
BW * 10 * 3
A1 - A3 were done as a circuit. Not much rest time between each, just went from exercise to exercise.

Today was definitely a good sesh. Never underestimate what mobility and flexibility work can do for you. Also, as a departure from my regular habits, I rested forever in between sets. I guess that's why the top set still managed to surpass 10. But I know any of the top elites could easily smash my workout in half an hour or even less. So there's my motivation to work harder. Grind on!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 2 Bench 12th September 2013

Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 5
80 * 5
88 * 2
98 * 2
105 * 5 * 3
105 * 10/2/2
Worst bench session ever. Everything didn't work, couldn't get tight and the bar felt heavy in the hands. Left shoulder also feels stuck and has a dull ache right where I tore my labrum. Just one of those days.

Bench Daddy Close grip bench
110 * 5
120 * 3
130 * 3
Wrists started hurting around this point.

Incline Bench
60 * 12
82.5 * 8 * 2
72.5 * 10
I have absolutely nothing to say about this.

Overhead DB extension
10 * 15 * 3

Lat pulldown
95 * 12 * 5

Rear delt machine
47 * 40 * 2

Horrible session. I suspect it's probably the lack of sleep and perhaps inadequate nutrition. I've been steadily lowering my macros over the past month. Started out at 400/370/100, then went to 400/370/80, then 370/370/60. Right about here is where I started feeling a little more achey and sore from trainings. I still lowered it further to 340/370/60 for the past week since last thurs (5th sept). Started to feel alittle more beat up over the week. I think the travelling up to KL and doing the seminar probably took away from my recovery too. Seems like this is already pushing it at the lower threshold. Probably will try upping the macros back to 400/370/80, that seems to be the sweet spot, at least for the next two weeks. I still need to push the training hard to earn my sept 26th deload with the gf.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 1 Press 10th September 2013

Upper body rolling and stretch

Band warm up

Bar * 10
40kg * 10
50 * 5
60 * 5
66 * 5 * 5
66 * 21/9/5
Pretty decent numbers on the press. Although I realize I tend to be able to get higher reps with anything below 70kg, so probaby have to see next week's session to gauge. This set was still relatively easy though and today's pressing felt really good.

Close grip bench
100 * 5 * 6
Last reps were paused. These feel much lighter than previous weeks, despite the rest pause set from pressing.

Bradford Press
40 * 15 * 3
Shag... 90s rest between. Sick lactic acid burn. I want delts like lionel's..

Farmer's walks
44.5kg * 4 trips along the concourse
Rest time 1 min. Did these with Eugene so we went one after the other.

Overhead DB extension
10 * 15
15 * 10
17.5 * 10 * 3
REst time 1 min.

Rope pushdown
2 sets of 15
Rest time 30s.

GHR abs
20kg plate * 20 * 3
1 min rest.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Juggernaut 5s wave Week 1 Deadlift 9th September 2013

Rolling and stretching Lower body, plus some drills

60kg * 5
75 * 5
100 * 5
120 * 5
140 * 5
160 * 5 * 6
Didn't go max reps on the last set. Had a little headache from the lack of sleep and horrible bus ride down from KL. Form still felt ok, but then again the weight is light. Rest time was generally low, trained with bryan and we mostly did you go i go with the warm ups.

Snatch grip stiff legged deficit Deadlift (4")
150 * 3 * 5

Barbell rows
105 * 5 * 5

Machine rows
75 * 8 * 6

Pull ups
3 sets of 10

Rear delts
68 * 20 * 3

GHR abs
20 * 15 * 3

So so session, physically was very tired from the lack of sleep and it was hard to concentrate. Still got in the basic work though, so can't complain. Time to nap!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 1 Bench 6th September 2013

Band warm up

Bar * 10
60kg * 5
80 * 5
95 * 5 * 5
95 * 12

Close grip bench (With bench daddy)
120 * 5 * 3

Incline Bench
100 * 5 * 5
80 * 5 * 3 (last rep paused inch off the chest)

DB tricep extensions
10 * 12
15 * 12
20 * 8
17.5 * 10 * 2

Bradford Presses
30 * 40

Was in a rush today, so I cut short the rest times. My entire training felt like one GIANT rest pause set. Rest time started off around 20s during the flat bench, then went up to 30 - 45s by the time I reached the incline bench. Talk about a pump! The set of bradford presses were REALLY tough. My shoulders were burning. Off to KL this evening!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 1 Squat 5th Sept 2013

Lower body Roll and Stretch

Bar * 5 * 3
60kg * 5 * 2
100 * 5
132.5 * 5 * 5
132.5 * 17
Was aiming for 20 on the last set, but the 16th and 17th rep started to use the lower back so I stopped the set there. Today's squatting felt like a cardio sesh, and I felt a little slow, albeit smooth. I attribute it to the deep tissue massage Victor so graciously gave me yesterday, but lesson learnt: Don't tax your CNS with an intense massage the day before you squat. Still happy with today's squats because 8 weeks ago I hit only 14 reps with 135kg fresh before I started to feel the lower back tax, but today's rep set was after 5 sets of 5 with the same weight. 

Reverse band squats (med bands)
150 * 5
160 * 5
170 * 5
Just a bit of 'overloading' work.

Front squats (using straps as handles)
100 * 3
120 * 3 * 5
These were tough as I was pretty shagged out already. On Abel's recommendation, I rested longer between sets. Tended to revert back to  using the glutes rather than the quads with the last reps. But definitely much better than before. Quads were rather fried.

10kg plate * 6 * 5
Hamstrings were cramping up. Still too weak on this. The temporary goal is to hit a set of 10 with a 20kg plate.

GHR abs
20kg plate * 12 * 3

Pull ups
3 sets of 8

Today's session reminded me of Snowflake syndrome: Everyone thinks they work harder than everyone else, but it is in knowing that you don't, that you start to.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Deload Week Press 3rd September 2013

Upper body rolling and stretch

60kg * 5 * 5

Incline bench
60 * 10 * 5

Low incline close grip
60 * 10 * 5

Push press
60 * 3
80 * 3
100 * 3
110 * 1
120 * 2 (PR lol)
Only did pushpresses because Abel and Max 'inspired' me to do so. Dammit, there goes my deload workout.... My push press form is so ugly, can be way more explosive. Also, really felt it in my triceps. 

Rope pushdowns
3 sets of 20

Overhead DB extension
10 * 20 * 2
12 * 20 * 2

GHR abs
3 sets of 20

So chill.. Gonna get a massage tmr morning, then it's back to squatting for realz on thurs! Good deload week!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave deload week deadlift 2nd September 2013

Lower body roll and stretch

One armed Deadlifts
60kg * 5
70 * 5
80 * 3
90 * 1
*add straps*
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1 * 3

Snatch grip stifflegged deadlifts
140 * 1 * 8

Barbell rows
100 * 8 * 3

Machine rows
65 * 10 * 3

Lat pulldowns
75 * 12
85 * 12
95 * 12

Rear delt machine
61 * 20 * 3

DB curls Standing
17.5 * 10 * 3

GHR abs
20 * 12 * 3

Deload session this week, so just decided to mess around with the deadlifts. Fun sesh all in all.