Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 3 Press 30th July 2013

Foam roll: Upper body

Warm up: Band pressdowns/Pullaparts/Flyes, 15 reps, 2 rounds


Bar * 10
30kg * 10
40 * 10
47.5 * 5
57.5 * 3
67.5 * 1
70 * 18 (PR)
Hmmm.. Hit 19 reps on the last set, but the last rep was ugly as fuck so I don't feel like counting it. Still happy with the 18 reps. Maybe my press isn't too bad after all. Having a horrible sore throat and loads of phlegm (good luck with that mental image). Kept coughing in the gym and I imagine all the other users must have been cursing and swearing at me for spreading my germs to their immediate vicinity. 

Wide grip Bench
60 * 10
80 * 10
90 * 8
100 * 6 * 3
Did these controlled and every rep paused on the chest. Hoi Chuen assisted me on the last rep of set 2 and 3. Rest time was a min.

Bradford press
50 * 10 * 3
Last set I rest paused it 6/4. These were killer, 1 min rest time.

Incline DB extension
10 * 10
15 * 10 * 3
Rest time was 1 min. Think my left tricep is starting to fire properly ever since I starting doing more release work on my left trap. Interesting how everything's connected in the body.

Tricep pushdowns
Stack * 10 * 3
Rest time was 1 min.

DB shrugs
25 * 12 * 3
These were done with a 6 sec hold at the contracted position. Supersetted with Band face pulls for 20+ reps. No rest.

GHR abs
10 * 12 * 4
Rest time was 1 min.

Good session! Restoring my faith in my pressing. 

EDIT: Moving the maxes up for each lift based on the number of reps over standard that I performed (won't go into too detailed an explanation here). New working maxes are as follows:

Squat - 183.5kg
Bench - 131kg
Deadlift - 219.8kg
Press - 93.8kg

Looking at the next wave of weights has got me excited!! Deload week next week though. Doing 5 sets of 10 @50% for all the main lifts. Deloading the secondary lifts as well.

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