Friday, July 26, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 3 Bench 26th July 2013

Roll: Upper body

Warm up: Band pressdowns/pullaparts/flyes, 15 reps, 3 rounds


Bar * a billion
60kg * 10
66 * 5
80 * 3
93 * 1
100 * 16
Previous record was actually 100kg for 21 reps, but I think that was a pretty shit set with a lot of bouncing. This time it was fast yet more controlled, so happy with that. Still was expecting at least 18 but am happy with this! This was easily an all out effort though (maybe could have grinded out one more).

High incline bench
60 * 10 for 10 sets
Decided to do high incline benching instead of wide grip benching, and get more volume in to strengthen my shoulders and upper pec area. Paused the last few reps. Rest time was about 1 min.

Klokov presses
40 * 6 for 5 sets
Still relatively new to this movement, so need to start light and get the technique right. Rest time about 1.5 mins, didn't really measure. Focused on pressing apart rather than just up.

Rolling Tricep extensions
10 * 10
14 * 10 for 6 sets
Done one arm at a time.

Rope pushdowns
3 sets of AMRAP

Band pulldowns
4 sets of 25 with a large band

GHR abs
4 sets of 20, BW

Was originally disappointed with the benching performance, till I realized that it's actually a PR because the benching was way more legit than the previous time i did 100 for reps. I think the first wave has been decent so far, and the lower intensity is just what I need coming off the meet. Shall see how the next two trainings go. Probably not doing any arm work tmr since I have my whole day packed. Firmed up the template for my trainings too, as follows:

Squat day:
Squat variation
2 exercises for hamstrings
1 exercise for quads
Core work

Bench day:
Press Variation
1 - 2 exercise for Shoulders/chest
2 exercises for triceps
1 exercise for back
Core work

Deadlift day:
Deadlift variation
2 back exercises
Core work

Press day:
Bench variation
1 - 2 exercises for shoulders/chest
2 exercises for triceps
1 trap exercise
Core work

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