Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 2 Press 23rd July 2013

Foam roll: Upper body

Warm up: Band upper body, 3 rounds, 15 reps


Bar * 10, 10
40 * 10
45 * 5
50 * 5
55 * 5
60 * 23 (PR)
Hit a PR on the press and was pretty happy with it. Semi-paused each rep and had about 2- 3 reps left in tank. Maybe my pressing strength is starting to return. Shoulders and elbow felt good after the foam rolling and mobility. Rest time was pretty short (30s - 1 min)

Incline bench
60 * 10
80 * 10
90 * 6, 6, 6, 6, 9
Rest time was 45s.

Bradford press
40 * 10, 10, 12
Push pressed the last 3 reps of the last set. Rest time 45s.

GHR abs
5kg plate * 12, 12, 12
Rest time was 20s. These were tougher than I imagined. 

Pallof Press
8 * 10, 10
Done slow and controlled, 3 secs in and 3 secs out.  These were tough too, which indicates my weak anti-rotational core strength. Rest time was 20s. Decided to add these in cos I realized I've been neglecting this aspect of my core.

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