Monday, July 22, 2013

Juggernaut 10s wave Week 2 Deadlift 22nd July 2013

Foam roll: lower body

Warm up:

Pull ups
3 sets of 8

3 sets of 8

GHR abs
3 sets of 15


60kg * 10
100 * 5
120 * 5
135 * 5
145 * 17
Weights are really light for the 10s wave, but experience tells me that high rep deadlifts beyond 20 do nothing for me but reinforce bad technique, so didn't push it. Practised bracing my lats to keep the bar closer to me and take the direct stress off the lower back. Wanted to stop at 15, but did two more since the form still hadn't broken down yet. This is a PR (since it was done deadstop), though not a particularly spectacular one. Still, it felt like cardio and i was breathing quite a bit after. Did all warm up sets DOH. The last set first 7 were DOH, then the 8 after was mixed.

Snatch Grip Stiff legged dead (aka SG Stiffies)
160 * 3, 3, 3
Done with straps. Was going for 6 sets of 3, but the straps snapped on the 4th set. Hence I changed it to...

Russian Deadlifts
160 * 3, 3, 3
Done with a hook grip for first 2 sets, then a mixed grip for the last set. For both this and the snatch grip deads, the hips were kept higher than the chest at set up, and the pull off the floor was eased into. Legs were kept relatively straight, but the focus wasn't on the straightening of the legs, but the feel of the hamstrings and the position of the hip to the chest. 

Deadstop Rows
100 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

GHR abs
10kg plate * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Decent session.

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