Monday, July 29, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 3 Deadlift 29th July 2013

Foam roll: Lower body

Warm up:

GHR - 3 sets of 8
GHR abs - 3 sets of 15


60kg * 5
100 * 5
107.5 * 5
130 * 3
150 * 1
162.5 * 16 (PR?)
The only time I'm every proud to be conventional, is when I deadlift! Think I've sorta got a better feeling with my deads. Minimal lower back action, only towards the last rep, and my hip drive was killing it. Pretty happy with the set since MY LOWER BACK HAS ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN AND WASN'T EVEN PUMPED AFTER! Was feeling really full before deadlifting cos I just ate breakfast with the father, and I was scared I would puke lol Thank god I didn't. Shall work on seeing if a lower hip position will help me drive better. Next week is a deload anyway.

Snatch grip Deads Russie-style
170 * 1 * 3
Slow as fuck off the floor, but full overload on the entire posterior chain. Again, russian style meant that my hip was way higher than my chest. 3 'heavy' singles here. Doing these after all my main deadlift sessions, waving them from 5 * 5 in the first week, to 6 * 3 in the second, to 3 * 1 in the third, then deload and repeat. Wouldn't call this a grind yet though. These were done with straps.

Deadstop rows
100 * 8 * 4
nothing fancy here. rest time about a min.

Lat pulldowns
95 * 8 * 3
These were done with a 2 second contraction at the bottom position. rest time about a min. 

GHR abs
10kg plate * 12 * 4
Abzzzzzz for dayzzzzzz... Rest time bout 45s.

Overall good session, though I went into it feeling pretty crappy from eating so much lol Also felt a little sluggish tbh, but turned out well. Here's a video link! Courtesy of fatboyslimFIT, Sam and his HD camera.

P.s: the little tapping on my lower back after the last rep was to indicate to Sam that my lower back was starting to actively come into the movement.

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