Monday, July 15, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 1 Deadlift 15th July 2013

Foam roll: lower body + extra time on glutes

Warm up: Pullups/GHR/GHR abs, 12 reps, 2 rounds, no rest


60kg * 10
100 * 10
130 * 10, 10 (conventional stance)
130 * 10, 10 (hybrid stance)
130 * 10 (sumo)
 Played around with the stances today since the intensity was light. Still, these high rep deads really kicked my ass; much harder than I thought they'd be. Hybrid stance is sort of having my hands just inside of my thighs at the lockout, so the foot placing is not as wide as sumo. Off the floor it felt the same as conventional, but at the top, it allowed me to bring my hip in faster and easier than regular conventional. Might consider playing around with this stance abit more to see if it really works, since the weight was light anyway, so any stance would work. Still pretty set on pulling conventional cos REAL MEN DON'T OPEN THEIR LEGS TO DEADLIFT! hahahaha Did the first 3.5 sets DOH, but switched to mixed when my grip started giving way. Unlike the past two training days, I couldn't take short rests between the sets (took about 2 mins between sets). Last set of sumo was really easy, and I could sit better and get my hip down at setup, despite not doing any sumo work since the last deadmeet. Maybe it's the improved hip mobility... hmmmm To be honest I was gassed to hell after the deadlifts, and didn't feel like doing any accessories, but I knew I'd never forgive myself for being lazy, so......

Snatch grip Stiff legged deadlifts AKA Snatch grip russian deadlifts AKA Badass Klovkov Deadlifts
150 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Snatch grip, stiff legged (but with straps). Nothing much to say except that these were a bitch to do after the 5 sets of 10. By the time I finished this, I figured that would be enough for the day. So I did back extensions and Weighted ab work.

Back Extensions
3 sets of 20
3111 tempo. Bodyweight only, but my lower back was already nice and crispy.

GHR abs 
5kg * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Yes that is a 5kg plate. KAIZEN PRINCIPLE BITCHES.

Stretch and nomz. I think I should start recording my trainings, a la mr fat boy fit himself (sam).. but I don't have a good camera. :(