Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 3 Press 30th July 2013

Foam roll: Upper body

Warm up: Band pressdowns/Pullaparts/Flyes, 15 reps, 2 rounds


Bar * 10
30kg * 10
40 * 10
47.5 * 5
57.5 * 3
67.5 * 1
70 * 18 (PR)
Hmmm.. Hit 19 reps on the last set, but the last rep was ugly as fuck so I don't feel like counting it. Still happy with the 18 reps. Maybe my press isn't too bad after all. Having a horrible sore throat and loads of phlegm (good luck with that mental image). Kept coughing in the gym and I imagine all the other users must have been cursing and swearing at me for spreading my germs to their immediate vicinity. 

Wide grip Bench
60 * 10
80 * 10
90 * 8
100 * 6 * 3
Did these controlled and every rep paused on the chest. Hoi Chuen assisted me on the last rep of set 2 and 3. Rest time was a min.

Bradford press
50 * 10 * 3
Last set I rest paused it 6/4. These were killer, 1 min rest time.

Incline DB extension
10 * 10
15 * 10 * 3
Rest time was 1 min. Think my left tricep is starting to fire properly ever since I starting doing more release work on my left trap. Interesting how everything's connected in the body.

Tricep pushdowns
Stack * 10 * 3
Rest time was 1 min.

DB shrugs
25 * 12 * 3
These were done with a 6 sec hold at the contracted position. Supersetted with Band face pulls for 20+ reps. No rest.

GHR abs
10 * 12 * 4
Rest time was 1 min.

Good session! Restoring my faith in my pressing. 

EDIT: Moving the maxes up for each lift based on the number of reps over standard that I performed (won't go into too detailed an explanation here). New working maxes are as follows:

Squat - 183.5kg
Bench - 131kg
Deadlift - 219.8kg
Press - 93.8kg

Looking at the next wave of weights has got me excited!! Deload week next week though. Doing 5 sets of 10 @50% for all the main lifts. Deloading the secondary lifts as well.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 3 Deadlift 29th July 2013

Foam roll: Lower body

Warm up:

GHR - 3 sets of 8
GHR abs - 3 sets of 15


60kg * 5
100 * 5
107.5 * 5
130 * 3
150 * 1
162.5 * 16 (PR?)
The only time I'm every proud to be conventional, is when I deadlift! Think I've sorta got a better feeling with my deads. Minimal lower back action, only towards the last rep, and my hip drive was killing it. Pretty happy with the set since MY LOWER BACK HAS ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN AND WASN'T EVEN PUMPED AFTER! Was feeling really full before deadlifting cos I just ate breakfast with the father, and I was scared I would puke lol Thank god I didn't. Shall work on seeing if a lower hip position will help me drive better. Next week is a deload anyway.

Snatch grip Deads Russie-style
170 * 1 * 3
Slow as fuck off the floor, but full overload on the entire posterior chain. Again, russian style meant that my hip was way higher than my chest. 3 'heavy' singles here. Doing these after all my main deadlift sessions, waving them from 5 * 5 in the first week, to 6 * 3 in the second, to 3 * 1 in the third, then deload and repeat. Wouldn't call this a grind yet though. These were done with straps.

Deadstop rows
100 * 8 * 4
nothing fancy here. rest time about a min.

Lat pulldowns
95 * 8 * 3
These were done with a 2 second contraction at the bottom position. rest time about a min. 

GHR abs
10kg plate * 12 * 4
Abzzzzzz for dayzzzzzz... Rest time bout 45s.

Overall good session, though I went into it feeling pretty crappy from eating so much lol Also felt a little sluggish tbh, but turned out well. Here's a video link! Courtesy of fatboyslimFIT, Sam and his HD camera. 


P.s: the little tapping on my lower back after the last rep was to indicate to Sam that my lower back was starting to actively come into the movement.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 3 Bench 26th July 2013

Roll: Upper body

Warm up: Band pressdowns/pullaparts/flyes, 15 reps, 3 rounds


Bar * a billion
60kg * 10
66 * 5
80 * 3
93 * 1
100 * 16
Previous record was actually 100kg for 21 reps, but I think that was a pretty shit set with a lot of bouncing. This time it was fast yet more controlled, so happy with that. Still was expecting at least 18 but am happy with this! This was easily an all out effort though (maybe could have grinded out one more).

High incline bench
60 * 10 for 10 sets
Decided to do high incline benching instead of wide grip benching, and get more volume in to strengthen my shoulders and upper pec area. Paused the last few reps. Rest time was about 1 min.

Klokov presses
40 * 6 for 5 sets
Still relatively new to this movement, so need to start light and get the technique right. Rest time about 1.5 mins, didn't really measure. Focused on pressing apart rather than just up.

Rolling Tricep extensions
10 * 10
14 * 10 for 6 sets
Done one arm at a time.

Rope pushdowns
3 sets of AMRAP

Band pulldowns
4 sets of 25 with a large band

GHR abs
4 sets of 20, BW

Was originally disappointed with the benching performance, till I realized that it's actually a PR because the benching was way more legit than the previous time i did 100 for reps. I think the first wave has been decent so far, and the lower intensity is just what I need coming off the meet. Shall see how the next two trainings go. Probably not doing any arm work tmr since I have my whole day packed. Firmed up the template for my trainings too, as follows:

Squat day:
Squat variation
2 exercises for hamstrings
1 exercise for quads
Core work

Bench day:
Press Variation
1 - 2 exercise for Shoulders/chest
2 exercises for triceps
1 exercise for back
Core work

Deadlift day:
Deadlift variation
2 back exercises
Core work

Press day:
Bench variation
1 - 2 exercises for shoulders/chest
2 exercises for triceps
1 trap exercise
Core work

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Juggernaut 10s wave Week 3 Squat 25th July 2013

Roll: lower body

Warm up:

3 sets of 8
GHR abs
3 sets of 15


Bar * 10
60kg * 10
90 * 5
107.5 * 3
127.5 * 1
135 * 15
Pretty happy with the squats today. I think the high rep squatting over the last two weeks has helped strengthen my lower back. Today is the first day in a long while I'm doing "high rep" squats without any lower back pain. The last set was done to technical failure. Anything after that would have been more of a frankenstein squat. The last set wasn't shag and I managed to recover pretty fast too. Only problem now is I keep gearing towards my right as I squat. Something to fix.. Probably tightness in the right psoas.

Front squats
Bar * 6
60 * 6
100 * 6 (too much forward lean)
80 * 6 for 6 sets
roughly 1 min rest time.

5kg plate * 8 for 6 sets
roughly 1 min rest time.

Seated Ham curl
75 * 8 for 8 sets
roughly 1 min rest time.

Leg extensions
45 * 20 for 3 sets
1 min rest

GHR abs
10kg plate * 12 for 4 sets
roughly 1 min rest

Pallof press
2 sets of 10
3 sec out 3 secs in, 1 min rest

Pretty happy with this session. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 2 Press 23rd July 2013

Foam roll: Upper body

Warm up: Band upper body, 3 rounds, 15 reps


Bar * 10, 10
40 * 10
45 * 5
50 * 5
55 * 5
60 * 23 (PR)
Hit a PR on the press and was pretty happy with it. Semi-paused each rep and had about 2- 3 reps left in tank. Maybe my pressing strength is starting to return. Shoulders and elbow felt good after the foam rolling and mobility. Rest time was pretty short (30s - 1 min)

Incline bench
60 * 10
80 * 10
90 * 6, 6, 6, 6, 9
Rest time was 45s.

Bradford press
40 * 10, 10, 12
Push pressed the last 3 reps of the last set. Rest time 45s.

GHR abs
5kg plate * 12, 12, 12
Rest time was 20s. These were tougher than I imagined. 

Pallof Press
8 * 10, 10
Done slow and controlled, 3 secs in and 3 secs out.  These were tough too, which indicates my weak anti-rotational core strength. Rest time was 20s. Decided to add these in cos I realized I've been neglecting this aspect of my core.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Juggernaut 10s wave Week 2 Deadlift 22nd July 2013

Foam roll: lower body

Warm up:

Pull ups
3 sets of 8

3 sets of 8

GHR abs
3 sets of 15


60kg * 10
100 * 5
120 * 5
135 * 5
145 * 17
Weights are really light for the 10s wave, but experience tells me that high rep deadlifts beyond 20 do nothing for me but reinforce bad technique, so didn't push it. Practised bracing my lats to keep the bar closer to me and take the direct stress off the lower back. Wanted to stop at 15, but did two more since the form still hadn't broken down yet. This is a PR (since it was done deadstop), though not a particularly spectacular one. Still, it felt like cardio and i was breathing quite a bit after. Did all warm up sets DOH. The last set first 7 were DOH, then the 8 after was mixed.

Snatch Grip Stiff legged dead (aka SG Stiffies)
160 * 3, 3, 3
Done with straps. Was going for 6 sets of 3, but the straps snapped on the 4th set. Hence I changed it to...

Russian Deadlifts
160 * 3, 3, 3
Done with a hook grip for first 2 sets, then a mixed grip for the last set. For both this and the snatch grip deads, the hips were kept higher than the chest at set up, and the pull off the floor was eased into. Legs were kept relatively straight, but the focus wasn't on the straightening of the legs, but the feel of the hamstrings and the position of the hip to the chest. 

Deadstop Rows
100 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

GHR abs
10kg plate * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Decent session.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Arms 20th July 2013

Foam roll: Upper body

Warm up: Upper body band warm up, 2 rounds


Rope pushdowns
4 sets of 15
45 secs rest. 31X1 tempo.

Close grip bench (pause 1 inch above chest)
Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 10
80 * 10
100 * 10
110 *  8, 8
80 * 15/6/3
Had to use wraps cos my wrist was hurting slightly.
Lying DB extension
10 * 15, 15, 14, 13, 12, 12
Tempo was 21X1. Rest time was 1 min.

Overhead DB extension
7.5 * 25, 25, 25
Really pussy weight, but I wanted to go slower and get the mind muscle connection with the tricep, so had to lighten the weight up.

Fat grip DB curls
10 * 12
12.5 * 12, 12, 12
tempo was 5111. Really killed my biceps with these haha

Single arm barbell preacher curl
21 * 12, 12, 10
tempo was 4111. shag

Single Arm hammers
40 * 8
30 * 8
20 * 20
Haven't done heavy hammers in a while haha

GHR abs
5 * 12, 12, 12, 12

I can't seem to get the mind muscle connection with my arms very well. Need to work on that.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 2 Bench 19th July 2013

Foam roll: Upper body

Warm up: band pressdowns/flyes/pullaparts, 15 reps, 2 rounds, no rest

BW * 8, 8, 8

GHR abs
BW * 15, 15, 15


Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 10
65 * 5
75 * 5
85 * 5
90 * 15
Paused last few reps on the chest, but was a relaxed pause. 

Wide Grip Bench
70 * 8, 8, 8
Paused on chest each rep. Rest time 1 min.

Incline DB press
35 * 10, 10, 8
Rest time 1 min. I've changed my style of DB pressing, making it more legit, going deeper such that the DBs come really close to the chest/delt tie in. Get more chest stimulation that way.

Machine Row
55 * 10
65 * 10, 10, 10
Rest time 1 min. Constant tension.

Lat pulldowns
115 * 10
105 * 10, 10
Rest time 1 min. Form on the 115 was crap, so decided to lighten up abit and focus on holding the contraction as much as I could. 

Face pull
3 sets of 30

Overall decent session. Nothing spectacular though.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 2 Squat 18th July 2013

Mobility: Lower body + extra time on shoulder, trap and calves


Bar * 10, 10, 10
60kg * 10
100 * 5
112.5 * 5
122.5 * 20
120 * 3 (paused 8 seconds)

5kg plate * 10, 6, 6, 6, 6
Rest time was 1 min.

Seated Leg curl
75 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
Rest time was 45s.

GHR abs
5kg plate * 12, 12, 12, 12
Rest time was 1 min.

Had to cut short my session due to a sudden change in schedule, so didn't get much assistance work in. Squats were alright. The high rep set felt pretty good, but I was a little gassed after. I was feeling rather bloated from breakfast/brunch, so was just praying that I wouldn't puke after the squats, which I didn't thankfully. Decided to do one set of long pauses for pause squats just to ease myself back into it. Actually felt comfortable pausing it in the hole. I held the position just below parallel for the pauses.

Just a little concern, although it come pretty early since it's only the second week of the program; not feeling some heavy weight on my back feels kinda weird and worrying. However, I'm sorta taking this first phase as a deload to sorta recover from the meet. Shall continue and hope that this stretched out linear periodization works. cross fingers

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 1 Press 16th July 2013

Foam roll: upper body + extra time on traps

Mobility: shoulder dislocates

Warm up: Band pull aparts/pressdowns/flyes, 3 rounds, 15 reps, no rest


Bar * 10
40 * 10
50 * 10
57 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 15
Rest time was 45s. Shagggged. Need to do much more pressing to improve my pressing strength. Realized I have almost zero pressing in the past 2 months, mostly due to the elbow tendonitis. 

High incline bench
70 * 10
80 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8/4/3
Rest time was 1 min plus, closer to 2 mins before the final set. Rest paused the last. Also played around with grip width. Last set was done with a regular grip.

Bradford press
Bar * 12
30 * 12, 12, 12
These were done really slow and continuous. Massive tension on the delts.

Standing overhead DB extension
15 * 10, 10, 10
Rest time was 1 min.

Lying Kettlebell extensions
8 * 15
12 * 15, 15, 15
Rest time was 1 min.

GHR abs
3 sets of 15 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 1 Deadlift 15th July 2013

Foam roll: lower body + extra time on glutes

Warm up: Pullups/GHR/GHR abs, 12 reps, 2 rounds, no rest


60kg * 10
100 * 10
130 * 10, 10 (conventional stance)
130 * 10, 10 (hybrid stance)
130 * 10 (sumo)
 Played around with the stances today since the intensity was light. Still, these high rep deads really kicked my ass; much harder than I thought they'd be. Hybrid stance is sort of having my hands just inside of my thighs at the lockout, so the foot placing is not as wide as sumo. Off the floor it felt the same as conventional, but at the top, it allowed me to bring my hip in faster and easier than regular conventional. Might consider playing around with this stance abit more to see if it really works, since the weight was light anyway, so any stance would work. Still pretty set on pulling conventional cos REAL MEN DON'T OPEN THEIR LEGS TO DEADLIFT! hahahaha Did the first 3.5 sets DOH, but switched to mixed when my grip started giving way. Unlike the past two training days, I couldn't take short rests between the sets (took about 2 mins between sets). Last set of sumo was really easy, and I could sit better and get my hip down at setup, despite not doing any sumo work since the last deadmeet. Maybe it's the improved hip mobility... hmmmm To be honest I was gassed to hell after the deadlifts, and didn't feel like doing any accessories, but I knew I'd never forgive myself for being lazy, so......

Snatch grip Stiff legged deadlifts AKA Snatch grip russian deadlifts AKA Badass Klovkov Deadlifts
150 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Snatch grip, stiff legged (but with straps). Nothing much to say except that these were a bitch to do after the 5 sets of 10. By the time I finished this, I figured that would be enough for the day. So I did back extensions and Weighted ab work.

Back Extensions
3 sets of 20
3111 tempo. Bodyweight only, but my lower back was already nice and crispy.

GHR abs 
5kg * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Yes that is a 5kg plate. KAIZEN PRINCIPLE BITCHES.

Stretch and nomz. I think I should start recording my trainings, a la mr fat boy fit himself (sam).. but I don't have a good camera. :(

Saturday, July 13, 2013

calves + arms 13th July 2013

warm up: upper body + roll calves

single leg standing calf raise
BW * 12, 12, 12
Tempo was 32X2.

Seated calf raise
105 * 20, 20, 20
Tempo was 31X1.

A1: Rope pushdowns
16/21/23/23 * 15
A2: fat grip BB curl
bar/30/40/40 * 10
A1 & A2 were supersetted. tempo for both was 41X1.

B1: lying BB extensions to forehead
30/40/40/40 * 12
B2: incline DB curl (fat grip)
10 * 12, 12, 10, 10
B1 & B2 were supersetted. tempo for both was 41X1.

C1: close grip bench
60 * 15
70 * 12
80 * 10
C2: preacher DB curl fat grip
10 * 10, 10, 11
C1 & C2 were supersetted. tempo for both was 41X1.

D1: straight bar pushdowns
stack * 10, 10
D2: hanmer curls
15 * 10, 10
D1 & D2 were supersetted. tempo for both was 41X1.

GHR abs
BW * 15, 15, 15
Supersetted with band pressdowns.

Decided to play around with tempo. some really killer shit. so many times during the sets i wanted to rush them, but thankfully i didn't give in. weights may have been light, but the incorporation of the tempo made it that much more difficult. Good stuff! minimal rest between sets as well, i just went from exercise to exercise, set to set.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 1 Bench 12th July 2013

Foam roll: Back, lats, shoulders, chest, traps

Warm ups: Band flyes/pushdowns/pullaparts/upright rows, 15 reps, 2 rounds, no rest


Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 10
75 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 15(yes my benching really is shit lol)
Really worked on keeping my head to the bench. What a foreign feeling. Weight was light enough for me to take 45s rests in between. Rested slightly longer before the last set, yet only managed 15 easy reps; anything after would have been slow and ugly. I also paused the last 2 or 3 reps of every set on my chest just to look badass (but actually I was secretly just catching my breath lol).

Wide grip paused bench (5s)
60 * 8, 8, 8
Tried to control the descent and not let these drop onto my chest too fast. Paused them for 5 seconds and really felt the stretch in the pecs and shoulders. Good shit. Rest time was 1 min.

Incline DB
30 * 15, 15, 10/5
Getting better? Still sucks though lol By now I actually had a chest pump going O_o Rest time was roughly a min.

Lat pulldowns
85 * 20, 20, 20, 20
Rest time was 1 min between. Biceps and forearms were a little shagged around the 3rd and 4th set.

GHR abs
BW * 15, 15, 15
Rest time was 1 min.

Putting 'Juggernaut' in the post titles makes me feel like a beast!.....then I look in the mirror :( hahaha

Juggernaut 10s Wave Week 1 Squat 11th July 2013

Foam roll: IT bands, quads, Glutes, hams, calves, lower back


BW * 8, 8, 8

Pull ups
BW * 10, 10, 10

BW * 10, 10, 10

each side 10 reps, 3 rounds


Bar * million
60kg * 10
102.5 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 37(PR)
Squats were alright. Felt a little tight in the right hip flexor, but nothing really serious. Weight was light so decided to test myself on the last set. The program states to leave a couple reps in the tank, so didn't go all out. My lower back was just about starting to give way, so I stopped. Quads were on fire though, but the funny thing is, despite the lactic acid pain, as long as you keep pushing, the quads will keep up. Thank god I didn't cramp up after. Finished the first 4 sets in about 2.5 songs (~7.5 mins?), and took a 3 min rest before the last set. I must have laid on the floor for 15 mins after though haha

2.5kg * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Yes it is a 2.5kg plate. Dat dere progressive overload and kaizen principle. HAHA Felt good though, hamstrings were cooperating yay! Rest time was about a min.

Good mornings
60 * 10, 10, 10
Tempo was 41X0. Rest time 1 min.

Leg curls
65 * 10, 10, 10
Tempo was 41X0. Rest time 1 min.

Leg Extensions
45 * 15, 15, 15 
Tempo was 41X0. Rest time 1 min.

GHR abs
BW * 15, 15, 15
Rest time was 45s.

Since this week is relative light, I decided to play around with the tempos. Pretty killer! But good shit!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Singapore Powerlifting 2013 (7th July)

SPO 2013 was quite the experience.

Overall, I felt really slow on everything. My acceleration was really bad on all my lifts and I put in just enough effort to get the weights through the sticking points. I find that I sort of get lazy as I push, so acceleration is one thing I really have to work on in my training.

I am glad squatting deep in training has paid off. Like I said though, my squats were slower than I'd have liked. Reviewing both 180kg and 190kg videos, I realize that I really do slow down too much mid way (ie. the getting lazy as I push). Shall work on the constant acceleration through the lift. Also shall do more rep work for squatting. I feel like squatting requires more volume for it to grow.

Bench was where everything really got downhill. Really my fault for not checking and confirming bench rules until 3 weeks before the com. Was really not used to the benching style required in the comp. Good experience though, cos now I know to keep my head to the bench when I train it. Kinda sad that my bench meet PR is only 130kg. My elbow tendonitis is much better now though, so I can finally get back to some heavy tricep training. Lower back was really painful in the set up though, and really took away from the energy I had for the lift itself. Have to keep working on reliving the tightness and continue strengthening my lower back.

Deadlift was shit lol Set up was rushed and I was using my lower back to muscle the weights up. Lower back was already hurting like a bitch by then, not to mention the whole sprinting incident before my 1st attempt. Started hitching the 2nd attempt, so just dropped it instead. This was my most disappointing lift. 

In general, I also realized that my posterior chain felt weaker than usual, especially my hamstrings. I suspect it's because of the lack of GHRs in my training. This is the second time that, after cutting GHRs from regular training, my lifts feel less powerful, most prominently my squats of the hole. Shall definitely start doing them as part of my warm up again, and as a progressively weighted movment. Shall set a short term goal to do 10 reps with a 20kg.

Plan now is to run the juggernaut training template and see how that goes.
Mon - deadlift
Tues - press
Wed - off
Thurs - Squat
Fri - Bench
Sat - Arms
Sun - Off
Yes I decided to add in an arms day because I want big arms. 
 On the nutrition side, gonna set my macros for training and non training days as such (C/P/F):

Training - 400/330/100
Non-training - 60/350/150

Using the myfitnesspal app to track in case anyone is interested lol.
Looking to put on some muscle this training cycle. Not really gonna worry much about actual weight, and see where these macros take me. My diet has been shit for far too long, no better time to fix it up than now.

That's about it! Time to get stronger!