Tuesday, February 28, 2012


28th Feb

Warmed up with some light rear, front and side laterals, plus rotator cuff stuff and some band mobility drills.

Incline Bench
Bar * 5, 5
95 * 3
135 * 3
155 * 3
185 * 3
205 * 3
225 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Incline DB bench
90 * 8, 7, 6
80 * 10

Weighted Dips (tempo 12X)
45 * 10, 10

Unilateral incline press machine (tempo 11X)
60 * 12, 12, 20

Overhead DB extension (unilateral)
35 * 10, 10, 10

Cross body DB tricep extension (unilateral)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10

A1: Straight bar pushdown
135 * 12, 12

A2: Hammer curls (with a special hammer grip barbell) (Tempo 22X)
45 * 20, 20

A1 and A2 were supersetted.

100 band pull aparts

The band pull aparts are really awesome. I feel so much better in my upper back and rear delts, basically the whole upper back girdle! Plus my shoulders feel more stable pressing now. Can't wait till the bands I ordered get here!

Monday, February 27, 2012


26th Feb

Did some leg training today since I wouldn't have any time to train on monday. Just did some squats and tried out each of the hack squat machines to get a feel. Nothing really crazy. I think I need to start doing GHRs to bring my squats back up again.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


25th Feb

Bar * 5
95 * 5
115 * 5
135 * 3
145 * 3
155 * 3
165 * 3
175 * 1
185 * 1
140 * 10, 10, 8, 8

Side laterals (~1 min rest in between)
30 * 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Rear lateral machine (~1min rest in between)
145 * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Single arm Lying tricep extension (with DB)
25 * 6
35 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
30 * 5, 5, 5, 5

Straight bar push down
155 * 8
165 * 8
175 * 8, 8, 8, 8

Did some recovery work for hamstrings, abs and lower back.

Finished off with 200 band pull aparts in sets of 40.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine week 5

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine week 5

23rd Feb

135 * 3
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 3, 3, 3

Speed Deadlifts
325 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
275 * 5, 5, 5

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
225 * 5, 5, 5

Bentover rows
225 * 5, 5, 5

Underhand pulldowns (tempo 12X)
180 * 5, 5, 5

Good mornings
225 * 5, 5, 5

A1: Unilateral straight leg press
2 plates * 15, 15

A2: Barbell forearm curls
50 * 20, 20

*A2 was done during the rest time for A1*

Hammer curls (tempo 13X)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10

Seated incline curl machine (unilateral) (tempo 32X)
45 * 12
55 * 10
60 * 9

Woah, the deadlift routine is starting to get tougher now. The 405 for 3 sets of 3 should have felt easier, but while they didn't grind or stall, they still moved way too slowly for my liking. I must remember to do more recuperative work for my lower back and hamstrings either tmr or during sat's shoulder training. The power shrugs were still ok, but I think I will do them in the rack next time instead of out of the rack. The good morning was surprisingly easy! I think I will add 10ibs next week for the bentover row and lat pulldown and 20ibs for both the stiffleg deads and good mornings. Leg press was just for some light recovery work because my quads were still aching from monday's training. Wasn't really planning on doing any bicep work, but after 5 mins of rest I just decided to add in some hammer curls and machine work. Nothing really serious, but admittedly just to feel the pump. I'm ashamed I just said that :(


21st Feb

Standing Calf
220 * 10, 10

Seated calf raise
90 * 10, 10

Warm up with some band work and light dumbbell work for shoulders

Incline Bench
Bar * 8, 8
95 * 5, 5
135 * 5
185 * 5
205 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Incline dumbbell
85 * 8, 8, 7

One arm machine chest press (tempo 12X)
60 * 12, 12, 12 (each side)

Lying cross body tricep extension (tempo 21X)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (each side)

Overhead tricep extension (dumbbell)
32.5 * 10, 10

Rope pushdown
95 * 12, 12, 12

Quick easy session. Nothing much to say really.

Monday, February 20, 2012


20th Feb

Bar * 5, 5
135 * 5
225 * 7, 245 * 5, 255 * 3
245 * 7, 265 * 5, 275 * 3
255 * 7, 275 * 5, 285 * 3

Lying Ham curl (tempo 21X)
105 * 10, 10, 10, 10
*my hams started cramping up after the 4th set so I took about 5 mins trying to get them to stop cramping before hitting standing abdominals*

Standing ab crunch
85 * 10, 10, 10

Unilateral straight leg press
5 plates * 10, 10, 10

Standing calf raise
220 * 10, 10

Seated Calf raise
50 * 20, 20

Lat pulldown
140 * 10, 10, 10

Good squatting today. Took as little rest as possible between sets, so ended up feeling like puking during squats, but it was a good session. Everything felt strong. Had to really reach into the tank for the calf work. Lat work was purely for recovery, as my lats still feel a tad sore from thurs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coan/Philipi Deadlift routine week 4

Week 4

145 * 5
235 * 3
285 * 1
325 * 1
375 * 1
415 * 1
455 * 2

Speed Deadlifts
375 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

A1: Stiff legged Deads
205 * 8, 8, 8

A2: Bentover Rows
205 * 8, 8, 8

A3: Underhand lat pulldown
150 * 8, 8, 8

A4: Arched back good morning
205 * 8, 8, 8

A1 - A4 done as a circuit. 60s rest between exercises, 120s rest between circuits.

Did some bicep work, but couldn't really feel the muscle today so after a few sets I decided that's enough for today. I learned a valuable lesson today. Never use a 55-pound bar and assume you can warm up the same way. It was crazy, even though the weights weren't that heavy, but the 55 pound bar was killer on the grip! That's cause the 55-pound bar was thicker, I think roughly a quarter inch thicker in diameter. Doesn't sound like a lot, but makes a whole world of difference hahaha I'm lucky I didn't tear a callus.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chest workout

Chest workout

Bar * 8
95 * 8
135 * 6
185 * 6
205 * 5
225 * 5
245 * 3
265 * 1
205 * 5, 5, 5

Incline DB
80 * 8, 8, 8

Weighted Dips (31X)
45 * 10, 10, 10

Straight bar pushdowns
100 * 10
135 * 10
150 * 10
160 * 10

Lying tricep extension DB (unilateral)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10

Standing triceps overhead extension with BB
did 4 sets but forgot the weights I used

Standing Calf raise (tempo 33X)
220 * 8, 8, 8

Seated Calf raise (tempo 33X)
90 * 10, 10, 10

Overall good and brisk session. Added in the triceps overhead extension with the BB just to work the triceps in a stretched position. I think my bench strength is coming back, the bench weights felt much much lighter than the past few weeks and I was more explosive off the chest.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lower Body

Lower Body
13th Feb

Bar * 5, 5
135 * 5
185 * 5
225 * 7, 245 * 5, 275 * 3
245 * 7, 275 * 5, 295 * 3
275 * 7 (decided to stop because lower back was giving out)
225 * 8

Lying Hamstring curl (tempo 31X)
145 * 6, 6, 6

45 deg hyper extension
BW * 10, 10, 10

Standing Ab crunch
85 * 10, 10, 10

Unilateral Leg straight leg press
4 plates * 8
5 plates * 8, 8, 8

Standing Calf press (tempo 231)
220 * 8, 8, 8

Seated Calf raise (tempo 121)
60 * 20, 20, 20

Neutral grip pull ups
BW * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15

Tried out the wave progression for squat today. Supposed to be 3 waves, but I only managed 2. Stopped because my lower back was giving out and thus the form started becoming too sloppy. Will be using the wave progression for the next few weeks, but with a smaller jump of maybe 10 pounds or so for each wave instead. Decided to do some recovery work for my lower back.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Coan/philipi Deadlift routine week 3

Coan/philipi Deadlift routine week 3
9th Feb

135 * 5
225 * 3
275 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 1
425 * 2

Speed Deadlifts
350 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

A1: Stiff legged Deads
185 * 8, 8, 8

A2: Bentover rows
185 * 8, 8, 8

A3: Underhand Close grip lat pulldown
150 * 8, 8, 8

A4: Arched back good morning
185 * 8, 8, 8

A1 to A4 were done in circuit fashion with roughly 30 to 45s rest between exercises. Rest between circuits were 90s.

Unilateral straight leg press
2pps * 10, 10
*these were for light recovery since my quads were still aching from monday's training*

Hammer curls
42.5 * 8
65 * 8, 8, 8

BB preacher curl (tempo 52X)
75 * 6, 6

Machine incline curl (single arm) (tempo 33X)
50 * 10, 10

3rd week of the coan routine and deadlifts feel great! everything is still moving fast; 425 felt like 315, and the sets of speed deads with 350 were snapping up like they were nothing. Accessory work was still ok, with the exception of the bb rows. I did each rep from a deadstop such that my back was as parallel to the floor as possible; none of that 45 deg or more upright rowing nonsense. In fact, it was sort of like a pendlay's row. Did some bicep work because I want big arms hahaha

A note on diet:
Now i'm consuming roughly 200 to 250g of carbs on training days and roughly 250g to 300g of protein a day with around 70 to 90g of fat, and my weight is stabalized now around 202 pounds. I realized i'm actually eating slightly lesser than when I was back in singapore, but my weight difference is only about 8 pounds or so? In fact, most of the time my protein level is only around 250g haha And I actually think I'm gaining some muscl. This is interesting.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chest and triceps

Chest and triceps
8th Feb

Close grip bench
Bar * 5, 5, 5, 5
95 * 5, 5
135 * 5
155 * 5
185 * 5
205 * 3
225 * 1
230 * 3, 3, 3, 3
185 * 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
135 * 15

Incline DB bench (tempo 22X)
80 * 6, 6, 6

Dips (tempo 22X)
BW * 8, 8, 8

Straight bar pushdown (tempo 21X)
135 * 10, 10, 10

Overhead dumbbell extension (single arm)
37.5 * 10
32.5 * 12

Overhead cable rope extension
120 * 12, 12

A1: Seated calf raises
90 * 10, 10

A2: Standing calf raises
200 * 10, 10
*A1 and A2 were supersetted.

Taking out the back work from my upper body workouts since under the philipi/coan routine, i'll be training back quite hard. Upper body days will be shifted to chest and shoulder days.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Squat workout

Squat workout
6th Feb

Warmed up on some leg extension machines and ham curl machines while waiting for the squat rack

Bar * 5
135 * 5
225 * 5
275 * 3
325 * 1
340 * 1, 1, 1
225 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Lying leg curl (tempo 41X)
135 * 6, 6, 4
120 * 6

Standing Ab crunch
80 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Unilateral straight leg press
4.75 pps * 15, 15, 15

Neutral grip chins
BW * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

Decided to add in more volume/technique work with the squats after the 'heavy' sets.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Philipi/Coan Deadlift routine week 2

Week 2
2nd Feb

Warm up

135 * 5
225 * 3
275 * 1
315 * 1
365 * 1
385 * 1
405 * 2

Speed deadlifts
325 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

A1: Stiff legged Deadlift
155 * 8, 8, 8

A2: Bentover barbell row
155 * 8, 8, 8

A3: Underhand Lat pull down
140 * 8, 8, 8

A4: Arched back good morning
155 * 8, 8, 8

*A1 to A4 were done in a circuit fashion with at most 90 secs rest in between exercises. A maximum of 2 mins rest was taken between circuits.

Unilateral Straight Leg press
5 pps * 6, 6, 6

Incline bench
135 * 3, 3, 3
155 * 3
185 * 3
205 * 3
135 * 3

2nd week of the philipi/coan deadlift routine and everything is still moving fast. 405 was really light and moved up like it was 315, so feeling pretty good still. The circuit was very manageable and more often than not, the rest between exercises were less than 60 secs. The barbell rows were all done deadstop and squeeze at the contracted position. Threw in some light incline bench work because I won't be able to train for the next 3 days as i'll be in montreal.