Thursday, January 27, 2011


Deadlift - Week 2 cycle 1
Time in: 12:30 Time out: 13:28

Foam roll + stretch

60kg * 5
100 * 5
140 * 3
160 * 3
180 * 3

One-handed T-bar rows
20 * 10, 10
30 * 8
40 * 8
50 * 8, 6

One handed Barbell rows
20 * 8, 8, 8, 8

V-bar pulldown to the face (Tear pulldown)
Stack * 10, 10, 10

31 * 10, 10

Hard stretching (30s each side * 2)

Foam roll

Pool Rowing
Time in: 19:00

7 sets of 4 mins (positive side)
2 sets of 4 mins (negative side)

Fever has subsided, so it's back to business today. Back workout was not too bad; the new exercises like the one armed T-bar and one hand barbell rows were pretty good for really feeling the mind muscle connection with the back, and I actually had a decent pump going on in my lats by the time i was done.

Pool rowing was also good. Was supposed to do 8 sets, but I think there was a lack of time, or maybe I counted wrongly? Not too sure, but actually felt quite good overall. Negative side rowing was rubbish though, maybe need to row more on it to balance out.

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