Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Press - Week 2 cycle 1
Time in: 12: 55 Time out: 13:55

Foam roll + stretching + shoulder dislocates

Bar * 8
40kg * 5
50 * 5
60 * 3
67.5 * 3
72.5 * 3

Seated DB Press
30 * 6
35 * 6, 6, 6

Side Laterals
10 * 15
15 * 15
17.5 * 15

Rear Lateral Machine
47 * 35, 35, 35

Close grip Bench (Flat)
40 * 10
60 * 10
80 * 10
100 * 6

40 * 10, 10

Everything still felt pretty light and easy, but despite this, didn't wanna push myself too much to give my body a chance to recover. However, cough has gotten worse since I got home around 8 and I have a slight fever. Still have tons of readings to do though so probably gonna try to get them done ASAP and get some rest.

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