Thursday, January 20, 2011


Dynamic Effort Lower Body
Time in: 13:08 Time out: 13:54

Lower body dynamic mobility

Box Squat w/ Large Bands (Parallel box)
Bar * 2
40kg * 2
60 * 2
80 * 2
87.5 * 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

Glute Ham Raise
BW * 8
10 * 6, 6
10 * 6 - BW * 10 (drop set)

Hanging Leg Raise/Hamstring Curl machine
BW * 15 / 65 * 10 (3 sets)

Last set of Hamstring Curls were done 2 legs concentric, 1 leg eccentric, alternating legs to get 10 reps for both. All sets of hamstring curls were done with fast concentric and 3 sec eccentric.

Time in: 21:07 Time out: 21:49

Threadmill (speed 14) 2 min run - one arm DB snatch (14kg) 20 reps per side - 10 pull ups
3 rounds


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