Monday, January 17, 2011


Maximum Effort Lower Body

Time in: 12:30 Time out: 13:28

1km warm up on stepmaster
lower body foam rolling, stretching and mobility drills

Box Squat (parallel box)
Bar * 5, 5
60kg * 5
80 * 5
100 * 3
120 * 3
140 * 3
150 * 1, 2 (New PR, Paused like 4 secs for each rep)

Leg Press (supposed to be front squats)
170 * 20, 20, 20

Glute Ham Raise
BW * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Hanging Leg Raise:
BW * 15, 15, 15, 15

Back still sore, so only did box squats today and substituted front squats with leg press. For leg press, decided to do higher rep sets with a lighter weight (but with slow eccentrics and explosive concentrics). Glute ham raise felt easy, but decided not to add weight since my lower back was pretty taxed from the box squats.

Will be adjusting the training on max effort days to include the deadlift and squat for lower body, and bench and shoulder press for upper body, in line with the db program.

Just rolled my back again and it's getting better, so at this rate, it should be rowing-worthy by wed's morning water training.

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