Wednesday, April 16, 2014

16th April 2014 Legs

Paused high bar squats (atg)
Started at 60kg * 3, worked up to 180kg * 1 (PR)
pauses were 4s. Pretty happy with today top single. 

Low Bar
120kg * 5 * 5
finished in 8 mins. First set felt weird, but subsequent sets got better. Might start upping the weight since these all moved very fast. Didn't take a video for everything, but the last set felt the same as the first. Speed work is really tiring though...

Paused Deadlifts (off the floor)
170kg * 3 * 5
Did these on a suggestion from Bryan. Paused these a couple inches off the floor (between midshin and knee level). Pause wasn't very long, only about 1.5s. These really challenged me to maintain my lower back integrity, and my abs were really feeling it. 

BW * 10 * 5

20kg * 20 * 3

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

15th April 2014 Chest + Shoulders

Close Grip Bench
Worked up to 130kg * 1
140kg * 1
150kg * 1
160kg * 1 (PR paused)
105kg * 8 * 5

BTN press
50kg * 10
60kg * 10 * 3
50kg * 10

Lateral raises
10kg * 20 * 5

Cable flyes
5 sets of 15

Bench PR! Yay! Paused the worksets longer than usual, and these were still tough but better than last week's. Pretty happy with  Base building results thus far! Look it up, it's by Paul Carter!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

12th April 2014 Back

BB row deadstop
worked up to 120kg * 5 * 5

Weighted pull ups
20kg * 5 * 3

Lat pulldowns
105kg * 12 * 5

Machine rows
5 sets of 12
Did a long hold during each contraction.

60kg * 12
Did 5 second holds at the top.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bench + Shoulders

9th April 2014 Bench
Close grip bench
worked up to 130kg * 1
105kg * 8 * 5
All reps were paused and moved as explosively as possible. This was more tiring than I expected.

Incline bench
60kg * 25/15/10

DB Incline Bench
35kg * 10 * 3

Cable flyes
3 sets of 15

11th April 2014 Shoulders
BTN press
worked up to 100kg * 1 (PR)
70kg * 12
50kg * 20

DB press
30kg * 12 * 5

Standing laterals
10kg * 20 * 5

Band pull aparts
4 sets of 30 reps

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Legs 8th April 2014

High Bar ATG pause squats (3s)
started from 60kg * 3 and worked up to 180kg * 1, and 190kg * 0 (10kg increments)
120kg * 5 * 5
The 5 * 5 were done in 10 mins and the I took note of the speed from the first rep of the first set to the last rep of the last set. The differential was 30%. When I can reduce this down to 10%, I will bring the weight up. The speed work is way more tiring than I expected.

Deadlift (speed)
160kg * 3 * 8
did these in oly shoes so it was much tougher. Kept feeling like I was being thrown forward.

Single leg leg press
75kg * 20 * 3

BW * 10 * 5

Am currently transitioning from my mass-building phase into the strength phase, so have started grouping my deads and squats together on the same day. Still feeling sick and my whole respiratory system seems clogged up with phlegm which is super disgusting. Can't breathe properly and can't expel the phlegm either. Arghhhh 

Anyway, inspired by Abelov, I decided to try the high bar atg pause squat. I tried 3 sec pauses, but I believe the 170kg and 180kg were probably only 2 secs at best. Shouldn't have attempted 190kg, so lesson learnt. The fail point was really high though, so I figured it's really my shitty quads. Also thinking of including weighted hip bridges (or hip thrusters) to help with my glute strength.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Shoulders + Back + Arms

Shoulders 4th April 2014
BTN press
worked up to 90kg * 1
70kg * 12
50kg * 15

DB press
30kg * 10 * 4 (last set 18)

Lateral raises Seated
12.5kg * 15 * alot

Rear delts
89kg * 12 * 3

Still feeling feverish and coughing like a madman, so couldn't really push very well. Still managed to best last week's numbers on the worksets for the main lift so am happy with that.

Back 5th April 2014
Lat pulldown
Worked up to the stack * 8 * 3

Straight bar cable row
8 sets of 12

Cable Shrugs
4 sets of 12
Done with 5 sec squeeze at the top.

Neutral grip pulldown
2 sets of 15

Still feverish and coughing, but slightly better. Felt a headache coming on after the lat pulldowns so I lightened up the weight after. Had to use my condo gym today, so everything was done with cables. Was as controlled as I could, but didn't count tempos on anything except the shrugs.

Arms 6th April 2014
BB curl
worked up to 50kg * 10 * 2
40kg * 10 * 3

Preacher DB curl
10kg * 10 * 3
Did a 51X1 tempo on these and died. Not easy at all....

Hammer curls
24kg * 10 * 3

Close grip bench
worked up to 130kg * 1
110kg * 8
Fatigue singles
140kg * 1
150kg * 1 (PR paused and much faster than last week's)
155kg * 1 (PR tng)
80kg * 17 (feet up)

DB tricep extensions lying
10kg * 20 * 3

3 sets of 20

Much better today. Just phlegmy but not coughing as much. Headache is almost entirely gone and fever is non existent. Managed a PR with the 155kg; I thought I paused it, but it double bounced, so I'm just counting it as a tough and go. Shall try it again next week if I feel good enough for it. Was happy with 150kg today, because it was paused and moved much faster than last week.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

1st April 2014 Chest

Incline Bench
worked up to 115kg * 1
100kg * 12 (PR)
70kg * 18
Haven't repped out on the incline bench for a while. Happy with the work set, still had a 2-3 reps left in the tank.

Incline DB
40kg * 10 * 5
This was easier than last week, but I didn't time the rests. 

Banded Chest press machine
3 sets of 15

DB flyes
15kg * 15 * 3