Friday, March 14, 2014

Squat session + backlogged Shoulder session

13th March 2014
BTN press
worked up to 80kg * 1
62.5kg * 10
42.5kg * 20
These were incredibly light. 80kg moved really fast so I'm considering pushing up the single to 85kg, and try to achieve the same speed. The bar is lowered till it is below the bottom of my ears and pressing is done seated without a back support. The 10 rep workset was also really easy, could easily get 5 more reps. I think I might have started the weights a little too conservatively. 

DB press
28kg * 10 * 5

Single arm laterals
worked up to 20kg * 12 * 3

Single arm cable laterals
3 sets of 20 reps

14th March 2014
Session 1
Worked up to 190kg * 1

Session 2
Front Squat
Worked up to 150kg * 1 (this was ugly as shit, I can't stay upright enough)

Session 3
Worked up to 200kg * 1

SSB squat
worked up to 120kg * 5 * 5

SSB good mornings (arched back)
worked up to 120kg * 5

Single leg leg press
50kg * 20 * 2

Seated Leg curl
75kg * 12 * 2

Before anyone thinks i'm going full bulgarian or anything, the reason I did 3 'sessions' today, was because I kept getting interrupted by work. After working up in my squat initially, I had to tend to a client for an hourish. After that, I returned to the bar and tried to get my session in again, but my next client came just after I finished working up in my front squats. Thwarted twice but not down for the count, I decided to get in a third session at 10pm, this time with no distractions. It's already bad enough I pushed my leg training to today, but i'll be damned if I don't get in my accessories haha Good mornings felt really good and fast. Tried to replicate my deadlift as much as possible. Used the SSB since my shoulders were still stiff even after hitting the overwarmup on the squat. My glutes and QL were feeling really tight today though. Anyway, time to catch some Zs!!

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