Tuesday, March 18, 2014

18th March 2014 Chest

Incline Bench
worked up to 115kg * 1
95kg * 10/3/3 (rest pause 15 seconds)
65kg * 15
Really pushed the rest time on these (30 to 45s), so my pressing reps really suffered. Was aiming for 20 with the last set, but totally died at 15 reps. I think I should try to do this in 15 mins instead of the 10 that I did it in, so there's just enough time to recover, but not too long such that I'm resting too much.

DB incline bench
38kg * 10 * 5 (3rd set was only 9)
Harder than expected, especially since I was actually pretty gassed from incline before this. By the 4th and 5th set, my rest time was something like 1.5 to 2 mins.

3 sets of 15

Band pull aparts
100 reps

Push day has been divided into seperate chest and shoulders day, mainly because i'm so busy with work, it's hard to find more than an hour to actually train, so I figure this would work better for the moment. Sets and reps still follow the same template, with an overwarmup followed by rep sets and then some volume work. If I have the chance to do a push day, I will still do it, but for the time being, this seems to work better. Managed to get everything done in about 35 to 40 mins.

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