Monday, March 31, 2014

31st March 2014 Legs

SSB squat
worked up to 200kg * 1
180kg * 2
120kg * 5 * 5

SSB good morning
100kg * 10 * 3

Seated Leg Curl
75kg * 10 * 3

Had a fever today and wasn't feeling so great. Top single felt heavy on the SSB squat, and the bar felt kinda flimsy for some reason. Worked on speed with the 5*5 and finished it in 8 mins. The pounding in my head kept getting worse, so cut the workout shorter than expected.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Shoulder session + Arms session

28th March 2014 Shoulders

BTN press
worked up to 95kg * 1
65kg * 12
50kg * 15
Rest time was about 1 min. 

DB press
30kg * 10 * 5
Rest time was about 2 mins. Had to rest more cos I think I might have pushed the rest time a little too much on the main lift.

Single arm Side raise
20kg * 12 * 4

Standing Lateral raises
15kg * 15 * 4

Rear Delt machine
47kg * 40 * 3

30th March 2014 Arms

BB curls
worked up to 50kg * 8a
back off sets of 10 reps @45, 40, 35, 30 (kg)

Single arm hammers
24kg * 10 * 4

Cable Preacher
4 sets of 15

Close grip bench
worked up to 120kg * 1
112.5kg * 10
105kg * 10
130kg * 1
140kg * 1
150kg * 1 (PR)
100kg * 10 (feet up)
80kg * 15 (feet up)
Felt pretty in the groove today after the worksets, so decided to chase some fatigue singles. New PR at 150kg, intention was to pause, but bar was not completely motionless. Weight went up fairly smoothly too, though it felt a tad grindy. Vid is on my instagram @twainteo. Haven't close gripped in two weeksish so this was a pleasant surprise.

Tricep pushdowns (straight bar)
3 sets of 20

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Super backlogged sessions (long post)

20th March 2014 Shoulders

BTN press
worked up to 95kg * 1
65kg * 12
45kg * 20

DB Shoulder press
30kg * 10 * 5

Lateral raises
14kg * 12 * 6

Band Pullaparts
4 sets of 25

22nd March 2014 Back

Lat pulldowns
worked up to 3 sets of 8 with the stack

Cable one arm rows
4 sets of 12

Cable straight bar
4 sets of 12

Wide grip pulldowns
4 sets of 20

Didn't squat or deadlift last week as my back was acting up quite a bit. So spent more time rolling and stretching instead.

24th March 2014 Chest

Incline bench
worked up to 115kg * 1
95kg * 15/1/1 (lol)
70kg * 17

Incline DB press
40kg * 10 * 5

Incline DB flyes
16kg * 15 * 4

25th March 2014 Squats

High bar squats
worked up to 207.5kg * 1 (PR)
attempted 220kg * 1 (but no depth)
140 * 5
135 * 8 * 4

Called it a day there cos it was really late and I decided I'd do another real legs session the next day.

26th March 2014 Legs

Seated Leg curls
45kg * 20 * 3

SSB Good mornings
worked in sets of 5 reps, 10kg increments, from 80kg, till 150kg * 5
160kg * 8 (PR)

SSB pause Squats
120 * 8 * 3
The pause was just about a second and a half. Counted these myself so they probably aren't as accurate.

Single leg press
70kg * 15 * 3
Slight pause at bottom of each rep.

Seated Leg curls
65kg * 12 * 3

No lunges today because the pause squats really did a number on my quads.. especially the VMO. SSB squats seem to be a good alternative to high bar, and not as awkward for me, but I think I will try to do some high bar work as often as I can so that I don't need an SSB all the time. Pretty happy with the good mornings. The last rep still looked pretty nice and fast to lockout, but decided to leave some in the tank.

Finally getting a little bit of free time this week. Gonna try to rest up as much as i can (SLEEP!). Diet is going along pretty well, I think I'm actually leaning out in some areas, but I weighed in at 98.5kg today on an empty stomach. Weird.. but in a good way. Macros are still 360/360/140 (C/P/F).

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

18th March 2014 Chest

Incline Bench
worked up to 115kg * 1
95kg * 10/3/3 (rest pause 15 seconds)
65kg * 15
Really pushed the rest time on these (30 to 45s), so my pressing reps really suffered. Was aiming for 20 with the last set, but totally died at 15 reps. I think I should try to do this in 15 mins instead of the 10 that I did it in, so there's just enough time to recover, but not too long such that I'm resting too much.

DB incline bench
38kg * 10 * 5 (3rd set was only 9)
Harder than expected, especially since I was actually pretty gassed from incline before this. By the 4th and 5th set, my rest time was something like 1.5 to 2 mins.

3 sets of 15

Band pull aparts
100 reps

Push day has been divided into seperate chest and shoulders day, mainly because i'm so busy with work, it's hard to find more than an hour to actually train, so I figure this would work better for the moment. Sets and reps still follow the same template, with an overwarmup followed by rep sets and then some volume work. If I have the chance to do a push day, I will still do it, but for the time being, this seems to work better. Managed to get everything done in about 35 to 40 mins.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Squat session + backlogged Shoulder session

13th March 2014
BTN press
worked up to 80kg * 1
62.5kg * 10
42.5kg * 20
These were incredibly light. 80kg moved really fast so I'm considering pushing up the single to 85kg, and try to achieve the same speed. The bar is lowered till it is below the bottom of my ears and pressing is done seated without a back support. The 10 rep workset was also really easy, could easily get 5 more reps. I think I might have started the weights a little too conservatively. 

DB press
28kg * 10 * 5

Single arm laterals
worked up to 20kg * 12 * 3

Single arm cable laterals
3 sets of 20 reps

14th March 2014
Session 1
Worked up to 190kg * 1

Session 2
Front Squat
Worked up to 150kg * 1 (this was ugly as shit, I can't stay upright enough)

Session 3
Worked up to 200kg * 1

SSB squat
worked up to 120kg * 5 * 5

SSB good mornings (arched back)
worked up to 120kg * 5

Single leg leg press
50kg * 20 * 2

Seated Leg curl
75kg * 12 * 2

Before anyone thinks i'm going full bulgarian or anything, the reason I did 3 'sessions' today, was because I kept getting interrupted by work. After working up in my squat initially, I had to tend to a client for an hourish. After that, I returned to the bar and tried to get my session in again, but my next client came just after I finished working up in my front squats. Thwarted twice but not down for the count, I decided to get in a third session at 10pm, this time with no distractions. It's already bad enough I pushed my leg training to today, but i'll be damned if I don't get in my accessories haha Good mornings felt really good and fast. Tried to replicate my deadlift as much as possible. Used the SSB since my shoulders were still stiff even after hitting the overwarmup on the squat. My glutes and QL were feeling really tight today though. Anyway, time to catch some Zs!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

11th March Squat + Chest session + Backlogged session

9th March 2014 Arms
BB Curl
worked up to 45kg * 8 * 3

Hammer curls
22kg * 10 * 4

Preacher curls
10kg * 12 * 4

Close Grip Bench
Worked up to 140kg * 1
105kg * 10
70kg * 20

Rope pushdowns
4 sets of 20

11th March 2014  Squat + Chest session
worked up to 205kg * 1 * 2 (first one was high)

*super long break cos I had to work till 10pm*

Incline Bench
worked up to 115kg * 1
95kg * 10
62.5kg * 20

Incline DB press
36kg * 10 * 5

Incline DB flyes
20kg * 12 * 4

Was supposed to train legs today, but was training at ziklag in the afternoon when I had to run some errands and attend to an impromptu client midway through my work ups. Came back and continued working up again till I hit the singles, but just after I finished, my client came. So had to work all the way till 10 before I could train again. Decided that I would just do my push training instead, but was super buggered so ended up just doing 'chest'. Figured I'll save the shoulder training for thursday. So will probably have to train legs tmr instead. Life happens, but you gotta work around it and make the best of it. Happy with the speed on the 205kg. First attempt cut so high, you might have thought I was on pot. Buried the second attempt though, and I have the butt wink on video to prove it lol. Squat has been improving so i'm happy with that, but still not able to sit well. Ziklag's incline really makes it much harder to squat so definitely looking forward to squatting at SMU tmr. Also, now that i've achieved my goal prematurely of crossing 200kg beltless, I think I will start belting up and working my belt into my training so I can see if it's all it's hyped up to be.

Friday, March 7, 2014

7th March 2014 Pull

BW * 10 * 5

Deadstop rows
worked up to 100kg * 8 * 3

Weighted pull ups
20kg * 5 * 5

worked up to 190kg * 5
then singles
212.5 (straps)
217.5 (straps)
222.5 (straps) (hit target)

160 * 2 * 5 (fastest 1.09 m/s) Speed pulls

120kg * 10 * 4

Lat pulldowns
105kg * 10
95 * 10 * 2
65 * 15 * 3

My hams hate me. So do my forearms. Felt really crappy today, but just told myself to just keep concentrating on the next set, and I made it through today's training. Hit the target of 222.5kg. Still need to work on my tightness and keeping the lower back integrity.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Push and Leg sessions

03/03/02014 Push
Incline Bench
Worked up to 130kg * 1
95kg * 10
60kg *20

Incline DB Bench
32kg * 10  * 5

BTN press
Worked up to 52.5kg * 8 * 2

DB shoulder press
22kg * 10 * 5

04/03/2014 Legs
Worked up to 195kg * 1
147.5kg * 5
132.5kg * 10
120kg * 20

Good Mornings
90kg * 12 * 4

Single Leg press
50kg * 20 * 3

40kg * 20 * 3

Leg Curls
75kg * 12 * 3

Worked on opening up the hips and sitting down more. Work ups in the squat were easy and all moved rather fast, although I still suspect I am not accelerating to the top, since I get a pretty strong rebound out of the bottom. Didn't have my tripod today so couldn't video as there was no one around to help me take a vid. 120 * 20 sucked cos I am absolute shit at high rep squats. I feel better about this though, because it was done rep by rep, rather than trying to rush through it as I usually do with high rep squats. Lunges sucked too. I'm convinced they were invented by satan.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

1st March 2014 Backlogged trainings

Monday, 24th February 2014 Push
BTN press
Worked up to 80kg * 1, then 62.5kg * 8, then 42.5kg * 20

Shoulder DB press
25kg * 10 * 5

Incline bench
80kg * 8 * 2
85kg * 8

Incline DB press
26kg * 10 * 5

Tuesday, 25th February 2014 Legs
Worked up to 190kg * 1, then 140kg * 5, then 125kg * 8

Stiff legged Deadlift
110kg * 8 * 3

Leg press
4 plates * 20 * 4

30kg * 4 walks

Friday, 28th February 2014 Pull
Pull ups
BW * 10 * 5

Deadstop BB rows
worked up to 90kg * 8 * 4

Weighted pull ups
20kg * 5 * 5

worked up to 180 * 5

90kg * 20 * 3

Lat pulldowns
75kg * 20 * 3

Saturday, 1st March 2014 Arms
BB curl
worked up to 40kg * 10 * 3

Hammer curls
22.5kg * 10 * 3

Single arm BB curl
12.5kg* 10 * 4

Close grip bench
worked up to 120kg * 1, then 105kg * 9, then 60kg * 20

Tricep pushdowns
4 sets of 20

My training now is very bodybuildingish. Getting in some rep work for the main lifts, but utilizing Paul Carter's 54321 over warmup template. This basically means I work up to a very comfortable and fast single, before delving into the rep work. Kinda liking the mass building phase, since previously I was a frequency junkie, so this is a nice change. Also, the volume in each workout is kicking my ass so I hope that'll help me bring my training condition up. Planning to run this phase for about 6 weeks more, then reevaluate and decide if I will start into the base building method or stretch out the mass phase a little longer.