Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Upper body session

11th Jan
Upper body

Warm up:
Rotator cuff exercises
Pec Deck 80 * 15, 15

Strength movement:
Bar * 5, 5, 5
95 * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5
195 * 5
225 * 5
255 * 2
135 * 10, 10, 10

Supplementary exercises:
Seated Shoulder press
95 * 10, 10, 10

Dips (done with a tempo of 32X, 3 seconds to lower, 2 sec pause, explosive on the concentric)
BW * 10, 10, 10

Accessory work:
Incline Elbows out extensions (Dumbbells)
25 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

3 grip chins/rear lateral raises (superset)
BW * 9/22.5 * 12 - 3 sets

DB shrugs/Scott bench curls (superset)
90 * 12/50 * 10 - 3 sets

I was very unexplosive on the bench today. In fact, 225 felt sorta heavy and 255 was moving way too slow for my liking. Decided to lower the weight and just do some speed and technique work with the 3 sets of 10 to get back in the groove. Did some light shoulder work also because I wanted to try out the seated military press bench set up that the gym has. Other than that, all the weights used were really light sort of to ease the body back into handling heavy poundage. All supplemental and accessory work were done with slow eccentrics and fast concentrics. I think I will need to start shortening my rest time for my accessory work.

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