Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Upper body

Upper Body
31st Jan

Close grip bench
Bar * 3
95 * 3, 3
135 * 3
155 * 1
185 * 1
205 * 1
225 * 1
235 * 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
190 * 3, 3, 3
*The sets of 190 were all paused for 4 secs on the chest

Incline machine press
130 * 8
160 * 8, 8, 8

Seated Lateral raises (tempo 211)
30 * 15, 15, 15

Rear lateral Machine
135 * 15, 15, 15

Cable Shrugs (tempo 33X)
155 * 12
165 * 12, 12

French press with DB
32.5 * 10, 10, 10

Rope pushdowns (tempo 22X)
40 * 10, 10

Hammer Curls
42.5 * 8
60 * 8, 8

Incline Machine curl
40 * 10
45 * 10, 10
*This was done with both arms starting in the contracted position, and alternating each arm to curl whilst the other arm remain tensed in the contracted position.

Today's benching was really light. Even though the sets of 1 were supposed to be tough, they moved really fast. Was tempted to up the weight, but decided to err on the side of caution. Shall bring up the working weight to 235 next week for sets of 3 instead. Other than did, didn't do much direct back work because either tmr or the day after I'll be deadlifting and training back also according to the philipi routine. Adjourd'hui, bonne session!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lower body

Lower Body
30th Jan

Bar * 5, 5
135 * 5
225 * 1
315 * 1
335 * 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
245 * 3, 3, 3 (all these were paused for 3 secs at the bottom)

Lying Hamstring curl (tempo 42X)
120 * 6, 6, 6, 6, 15
*last set of 15 was done with a continuous rhythm

Unilateral Straight Leg press
4.5 pps * 15, 15, 15

Standing Ab crunch
80 * 12, 12, 12

Was in a rush today because I have so many things to do tonight, hence I didn't warm up much! No lower back work from now on because i'm doing the philipi deadlift routine so there will be plenty of lower back work, and I know from experience that my lower back can't recover that fast.

So many things to do, I shall tackle them all!!! Must remember what my sis told me, 'Don't worry about whether you like what you're studying now, just do it to the best of your abilities first. There's always time after you graduate!' Amen!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Upper body

Upper body
29th Jan

Speed bench
Bar * 3, 3
95 * 3, 3
135 * 3, 3
185 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
185 * 3, 3, 3 (These 3 sets were done with a 4 sec pause on the chest and ultra wide grip)
135 * 3

DB press
70 * 8, 8, 8

JM press
Bar * 5
95 * 5
135 * 5
155 * 5
175 * 5
185 * 5, 5

A1: Rope pushdown
90 * 12, 12, 12

A2: BB curl on scott bench
50 * 12, 12, 12

*A1 and A2 were supersetted.

Seated machine curl
40 * 10, 10

3 grip Tbar row
90 * 15, 15
*pronated, semi pronated and neutral grip used. 5 reps each grip. 15 reps each set.

Felt really under the weather today. After the speed benching, I really felt sapped of energy and throat was painful. Hope it isn't a virus or something.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Philipi/Coan Deadlift routine week 1

27th Jan

Warm up

135 * 3
225 * 3
275 * 3
315 * 3
365 * 1
375 * 2

300 * 3 * 8 (8 sets of 3)

A1: Stiff legged Deadlift
135 * 8, 8, 8

A2: Bentover barbell row
135 * 8, 8, 8

A3: Underhand lat pulldown
135 * 8, 8, 8

A4: Arched back good morning
115 * 8, 8, 8

*A1 - A4 were done in a circuit fashion, but not supersetted. Time between exercises was roughly 30 - 45s, and time between rounds was ~2 mins.

Unilateral straight leg press
4.5 pps * 6, 6, 6, 6

Trying out the Coan/phillipi deadlift routine, so even if I only have one day in the week to train, it'll be this deadlift day. Had the most inspirational talk with my second sister tonight. I really admire and love her. I hope she's not too overwhelmed by her workload in school.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Upper Body workout

Upper Body workout
25th Jan

Close grip bench
Bar * 3, 3, 3
95 * 3, 3
135 * 3
185 * 3
225 * 3
230 * 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
185 * 3, 3, 3 (all paused on chest for 4 secs)

95 * 5
140 * 5, 5, 3, 2 (less than a minute rest in between sets)
Did some more sets after that, but at a lighter weight, can't remember exactly.

Machine Lateral (tempo 22X)
60 * 12
100 * 10, 10
60 * 15, 15

A1: T-bar row (plate loaded machine)
70 * 8
95 * 8
115 * 8
135 * 8

A2: Bent-over laterals
22.5 * 15, 15, 15, 15

Overhead DB extension
30 * 10
32.5 * 10, 10, 10, 10

B1: High shrug (thumbless grip) (tempo 13X)
185 * 12, 12, 12

B2: Hammer Curls
37.5 * 8, 8, 8

B3: Machine Preacher curls (tempo 52X)
70 * 5, 5, 5

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lower Body workout

Lower Body Workout
23rd Jan

Bar * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5
185 * 5
225 * 5
275 * 3
330 * 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
245 * 3, 3, 3
*All the sets for 330 and 245 were done with a pause at the bottom*

Lying Hamstring curl (tempo 61X)
105 * 6, 6, 6, 6

Weighted 45 back extension
75 * 10
115 * 8
165 * 6, 6, 6

Standing ab curl
50 * 12
60 * 12
70 * 12
80 * 12, 12

Unilateral Straight Leg press
4 pps * 15, 15, 15

No back work or calf work today cos was in a rush. Overall pretty good session, will keep the weighted back extensions abit longer to see if it's good.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Upper body Workout

Upper body workout
21st Jan

Close grip bench (speed benching) *all sets were 3 reps*
Bar for 3 sets
95 for 3 sets
135, 135, 155, 185, 205, 135, 155, 185, 205

Seated DB press
60 * 6
70 * 6
80 * 6

Standing Press
115 * 5
135 * 5
155 * 2
115 * 5, 5, 5

Machine lateral (tempo 22X)
60 * 12, 12, 12

Tricep push down
135 * 10
150 * 8, 8

Flat JM press (paused at the bottom)
135 * 5, 5, 5

A1: Machine row (tempo 22X)
100 * 5, 5, 5, 5

A2: Rear delt machine
135 * 12, 12, 12, 12

B1: High BB shrug (tempo 12X)
135 * 12, 12, 12

B2: DB Hammer curl
37.5 * 8, 8, 8
*Hammer curls were done alternating with the resting arm held in the contracted position between each rep*

B3: Preacher machine (tempo 62X)
No. 6 plate * 5, 5, 5

A1 and A2 were super setted. B1, B2 and B3 were a triple set.

I realized my pressing strength has dropped tremendously and this is the weak link in my benching. Will focus on standing press to bring up the shoulder strength again. I like the addition of the hammer curl in the triple set. The high shrugs were done thumbless to make it harder on the forearms. 135 was way too light so will have to increase the weight the next round. Overall good session!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lower Body Workout

Lower Body Workout
19th Jan

Seated Leg curls
60 * 15, 15

Leg extensions
40 * 15

Speed box squats
Bar * 2, 2, 2, 2
135 * 2
185 * 2
185 *2, 135 * 2 - 5 sets

135 * 3
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 1
425 * 1
320 * 1, 1

Lying hamstring curl (tempo 51X)
75 * 6, 6, 6, 6, 12
*last set of 12 was done with a tempo of 21X

A1: Standing calf raise (tempo 13X)
300 * 6, 6, 6

A2: Seated calf raise (tempo 33X)
50 * 10, 10, 10

Unilateral straight leg press
3.5 pps * 8, 8, 8

Hanging leg raise (bent knee)
BW * 10, 10, 10

Neutral grip lat pulldown (tempo 12X)
90* 10
110 * 10, 10, 10

Restorative work:
Incline bench
115 * 10, 10

Rope pushdown
50 * 15, 15

4 plates off the dead felt pretty good. Bar moved fast. Decided to ditch the straps and just pull mixed. Been relying too much on straps for the past year. Didn't even manage to pull 365 double overhand, so really need to get in more work for the grip. Felt abit sore in the shoulder-chest tie in area and in my triceps, so did some restorative work to ease the soreness.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Upper Body workout

Upper Body Workout
18th Jan

Rotator cuff exercises

Close grip Bench
Bar * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5, 5
185 * 5
205 * 3
225 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Dips
BW * 5
45 * 5
90 * 5, 5, 5

Machine Lateral Raises (tempo 22X)
60 * 12
80 * 12, 12
70 * 12

Incline Dumbbell extensions (tempo 30X)
30 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

A1: Lat pulldown
90 * 10
145 * 10, 10
110 * 10

A2: Face pulls
50 * 15, 15, 15, 15

Scott curls (tempo 51X)
50 * 8, 8, 8

Did some trap work, but it was mostly just trying out new trap movements with the cables, so not counting those in.

Overall decent session. Shoulder mobility seems better and I think I will stick with close grip benching for a while.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Lower Body

Lower Body workout
Jan 16th

Leg extensions
90 * 15, 15

Seated Leg Curls
80 * 15, 15

Bar * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5
185 * 5
225 * 3
275 * 3
315 * 1
320 * 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (all paused)

Good mornings (with mantaray)
Bar * 8
65 * 8
95 * 8
125 * 8
135 * 8
140 * 8

Lying Leg curls (tempo 41X)
105 * 6, 6, 6
90 * 6

Unilateral Straight leg press
3 1/4 pps * 15, 15, 15

Standing ab crunch
60 * 10, 10, 15

3 grip chins - 2 sets of 15, 5 for each grip

I realized my lower back is really weak now and starts to give out first when I squat, hence the many sets of singles, to give my lower back adequate recovery time between reps. Will have to ramp up the lower back work, and increase my ab work. My plan is to continue doing sets of singles for squats as I increase the weight each week, as well as slowly increase my lower back strength. I realized I stop most lower back strength work after I started deadlifting post-injury.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Upper Body workout

Upper body workout
Jan 14th

Warm up: rotator cuff exercises

Bench (close grip):
Bar * 3, 3, 3
95 * 3, 3, 3
135 * 3, 155 * 3, 185 * 3
135 * 3, 155 * 3, 185 * 3, 205 * 3
155 * 3, 185 * 3, 205 * 3

Seated Press:
95 * 5
135 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Side lateral machine (tempo 321)
50 * 12
100 * 10
60 * 12, 12

A1: Close grip incline bench (tempo 23X)
115 * 5, 5
135 * 5

A2: Tricep push down
120 * 10, 10, 10

B1: Machine row
120 * 5
100 * 5, 5, 5, 5

B2: Face pull
35 * 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

C1: DB shrugs (tempo 12X)
90 * 10, 10, 10

C2: Machine preacher (tempo 51X)
60 * 10, 10, 10

Speed bench and just some moderate shoulder work. I feel some strength returning. Following the tempo prescriptions is much harder than it always looks initially. lol

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lower body workout

Lower Body Workout
Jan 13th

Seated Ham Curl
80 * 15, 15

Speed Box Squats
Bar * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5, 5, 5
225 * 2, 2
135 * 2, 2
225 * 2, 2
135 * 2, 2

Dead lifts
135 * 3
225 * 2
315 * 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

A1: Glute ham machine (unilateral) (tempo 50X)
50 * 10, 10, 10

A2: Lying Leg Curl (tempo 50X)
50 * 10
75 * 10, 10

Straight Leg press (unilateral) (tempo 50X)
3 pps(plates per side) * 6
4pps * 6, 6, 6

B1: Hanging Leg raise (knees bent)
BW * 10, 10, 10

B2: Seated Calf raises (tempo 332)
70 * 12, 12

Barbell Rows (underhand)
135 * 10, 10, 10

A1, A2 and B1, B2 were supersetted. I really wanna squat twice a week, so I will leave one day for light speed work and one day for heavier squat work variation. I also put the speed squats before the deadlifts because my lower back's recovery ability is not so good at the moment. Legs were still aching from monday's workout, but probably from all the eccentric work. Still, the weights were really light, but I figure it's a good way to ease my body back into training this week. Tmr will be an upper body workout day, I hope the ache in my shoulders and chest alleviate by then.

I saw a guy on a wheelchair in the gym today and he was training hard. Seeing people like this really motivates me because when you have a guy that is busting his ass in the gym even though he can't walk, what other excuse can I possibly have for not training hard? Respect.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Upper body session

11th Jan
Upper body

Warm up:
Rotator cuff exercises
Pec Deck 80 * 15, 15

Strength movement:
Bar * 5, 5, 5
95 * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5
195 * 5
225 * 5
255 * 2
135 * 10, 10, 10

Supplementary exercises:
Seated Shoulder press
95 * 10, 10, 10

Dips (done with a tempo of 32X, 3 seconds to lower, 2 sec pause, explosive on the concentric)
BW * 10, 10, 10

Accessory work:
Incline Elbows out extensions (Dumbbells)
25 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

3 grip chins/rear lateral raises (superset)
BW * 9/22.5 * 12 - 3 sets

DB shrugs/Scott bench curls (superset)
90 * 12/50 * 10 - 3 sets

I was very unexplosive on the bench today. In fact, 225 felt sorta heavy and 255 was moving way too slow for my liking. Decided to lower the weight and just do some speed and technique work with the 3 sets of 10 to get back in the groove. Did some light shoulder work also because I wanted to try out the seated military press bench set up that the gym has. Other than that, all the weights used were really light sort of to ease the body back into handling heavy poundage. All supplemental and accessory work were done with slow eccentrics and fast concentrics. I think I will need to start shortening my rest time for my accessory work.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm Back

9th Jan
Lower Body
*all weight in pounds*

Warm up:
Leg extensions
60 * 15, 15

Seated Leg Curl
60 * 10, 10

Strength Movement:
Bar * 5, 5
95 * 5, 5
135 * 5, 5
185 * 5
225 * 5
240 * 5
275 * 5
315 * 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
225 * 5
135 * 5 (these last 2 sets went up really really fast)

Supplemental exercise:
Lying Leg Curl
80 * 6
100 * 6, 6, 6, 6

Accessory exercises:
Unilateral Straight Leg Press
2 plates * 15
3 plates * 15, 15, 15

Weighted Back Extension
45 * 10, 10, 10

Kneeling Ab Crunch
60 * 15, 15, 15

Triple grip Chins
BW * 15, 15

- All supplemental and accessory exercises were done with slow negatives and fast concentric.
- Triple grip chins start off with regular pronated grip, then wide neutral grip, then close neutral grip, with 5 reps for each grip. 15 reps per set.

Today is the first time back in the gym after a 2 week+ break. Hip flexors were a little tight so decided to take it easy and work more technique on the squat with some easy singles. Coming over here, the gym uses york rubberized plates that measure in pounds, so it's a significant change from the plates that I used back home (they were in kilos).

I have listed out the basic template that the workouts will follow, which is a warm up, strength movement, supplemental exercise and the accesory exercises. My training will be split into 2 upper body and 2 lower body workouts a week, with the bench, press, squat and deadlift as my main strength movements. I discovered the GHR bench only after i finished training, but I will include it on friday either as a warm up or a supplemental exercise.

Will have to work on my recovery time but looking forward to a new season of training!