Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Bench 8th May 2014
Bench (2s Pause)
115kg * 3
120kg * 5
125kg * 3
130kg * 1 (regular)

Tricep rolling extensions
16kg * 15 * 4
1 min rest

Lateral Raises
3 sets of 12

Front Raises
3 sets of 12

Rear Raises
3 sets of 12

Bicep curls
100 reps with short bar

Bench 11th May 2014
Bench (pause 5s)
100kg * 2, 3, 2
110kg * 2, 3, 2
120kg * 2, 3, 2
130kg * 1 (comp style)
132.5kg * 1 (comp style)

Machine row
4 sets of 12

4 sets of 12

Squat 12th May 2014
200kg * 2 * 4
200kg * 1 (attempted pause, but came back up almost immediately)
160kg * 2 * 4
Played around with my stance abit. Pretty shit squat session, really slow out of the hole cause of the pain in my calves. Am stretching more to hopefully alleviate this issue.

Front squat
worked up to 160kg * 1
120kg * 3 * 3
100kg * 5 * 5
Tried to really move the 100kg as fast as I could. Haven't frontsquatted in a a while, so it was pleasant to hit 160kg without bowling over. This seemed more forgiving on the calves than back squats.

Bench 13th May 2014
Bench (pause 3s)
102.5kg * 2, 3, 2
112.5kg * 2, 3, 2
122.5kg * 2, 3, 2
132.5kg * 1 (comp style)
Still working on the pausing, but everything is moving really smooth and well.

Machine row
4 sets of 12

4 sets of 12

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