Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Bench 4th May 2014
Bench (3s pause)
110kg * 3, 5, 3
117.5kg * 3, 5, 3
125kg * 1
127.5kg * 1
Still increasing cautiously on the bench since I'm relatively new to the technique.

Squat + Deadlift 6th May 2014
Squat (high bar)
Worked up to 180kg * 5
120kg * 6 * 4

worked up to 190kg * 3
210kg * 1
230kg * 1
242kg * 1
160kg * 3 * 5
242kg is a post injury PR for me. Was pretty snappy and I liked how it moved. Think I'm gradually getting the hang of the increasing acceleration idea. I alternated between pausing the reps off the floor and regular reps for the speed sets.

BW * 10 * 4

3 sets of 12

Standing ab crunch
3 sets of 12

Overall decent session with the PR, but my left calf really is bothering me because it's incredibly tight and pressing on a nerve. Shall get Aldrin to help me needle it tmr.

Bench 7th May 2014
Bench (5s pause)
112.5kg * 2, 3, 2
120kg * 2, 3, 2
127.5kg * 1
130kg * 1
Despite the fatigue from the pausing, 130kg flew up like cake. I think I'm getting the hang of this pausing thing. Starting to get more comfortable with resting the barbell on my chest, and relaxing the arms.

Machine row
4 sets of 12

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Training seems to be going well, but i'm still trying to figure out the nutrition side. Lionel recommended dropping the fat and replacing those calories with carbs instead. Adjusted my macros at the beginning of the week, so we shall see whether there's any diff in 2 weeks time. So far so good, since my cals are still at 3800-3900.

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