Thursday, May 29, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Squat 26th May 2014
worked up to 210kg * 1
200kg * 4 * 5
150kg * 4 * 5 (paused)

BW * 10 * `4

 27th May 2014
Paused Bench (2s)
117.5kg * 3, 3
127.5kg * 3, 3
137.5kg * 1

Cable Rows
10 sets of 10

Tricep pushdowns
4 sets of 15

29th May 2014
Did double sessions today.

AM Session
Worked up to 230kg * 1 (PR)
150kg * 5 * 4 (Super narrow stance)
The narrow stance squats were done with the feet about 10 inches part.

5kg * 8 * 5

PM Session
Paused Bench (3s)
115kg * 2, 2, 2
122.5kg * 2, 2, 2
130kg * 2, 2, 2
137.5kg * 1
140kg * 1

Preacher bicep curls
3 sets of 20

Rolling DB tricep extensions
3 sets of 10

2 sets of 15

Cable curls
2 sets of 15

Band pullaparts
100 reps

As of now, my calves are still rather painful, especially in the bottom of the squat when I'm trying to get a nice bounce out of the hole. Am doing quite a fair amount of stretching and mashing to get it sorted out, but it seems to be pretty stubborn. Probably will keep off going too heavy in the squats for the next few weeks. Bench today was pretty easy. 140kg  flew up fairly fast despite the fatigue. I paused all the weights for 3s instead of doing comp pauses for the last singles. Shoulder position seems to be better, but the old labrum injury in the left shoulder is starting to act up a little due to the frequent benching.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Backlogged trainings

Bench 20th May 2014
Pause Bench (5s)
115kg * 3, 5, 3
125kg * 3, 5, 3
135kg * 1 (comp pause)

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 15

3 sets of 15

Band pullaparts
100 reps

Squat 22nd May 2014
worked up to 220kg * 1 * 2 (PR)
160 * 3 * 4
140 * 6 * 4

4 sets of 10
Calves are still painful, but very happy with the PRs.

Bench 23rd May 2014
Paused Bench (3s)
120kg * 2
125kg * 3
130kg * 2
135kg * 1 (comp pause)
137.5kg * 1 (comp pause)

DB row
50kg * 12 * 3

Cable row
2 sets of 15

Tricep DB extension
18kg * 10 * 2

Pushdowns with rope
2 sets of 15

Band pullaparts
100 reps

Squat + Bench 25th May 2014
180kg * 2 * 4
170kg * 2 * 4
170kg * 11

Pause Bench (5s)
105kg * 3, 5, 3
115kg * 3, 5, 3
125kg * 3, 3, 3, 2
137.5kg * 1 (comp pause)
Calves are still painful so the squats were done with a slower eccentric, and I tried to work on the speed. The rep set wasn't as bad as I thought. I think I probably had 2 more reps in the tank. Pause benches on the other hand, were incredibly tough today. The fatigue really set in and today I wasn't able to relax the right areas properly, so I realized my arms were pretty tensed for most of the sets. By the time I got to the 125kg  series, I had to break it down to 4 sets instead of 3. Very inefficient benching today.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Bench 15th May 2014
Paused Bench (5s)
117.5kg * 3
122.5kg * 5
127.5kg * 3
132.5kg * 1 (comp pause)

Cable Rows
4 sets of 12

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Squat 16th May 2014
Squat (narrow stance)
worked up to 180kg * 1
140kg * 8 * 5

BW * 10 * 3

Both my calves have a nerve entrapment so getting in the hole is incredibly painful. Stuck with narrow stance since I had to use a light weight and get some volume in. Hopefully I'll fix this soon so I get back to squatting some heavy weight.

Bench 18th May 2014
Paused Bench (3s)
117.5kg * 2, 3, 2
125kg * 2, 3, 2
132.5kg * 1 (comp pause)
135kg * 1 (comp pause)

Rolling Tricep extensions
4 sets of 10

Cable rows
4 sets of 12

Push downs
2 sets of AMRAP

Bicep curls
2 sets of 20

Squat 19th May 2014
worked up to 200kg * 1
160kg * 3 * 5
Still feeling the horrible pain in the calves. Got some ART done by Chee Chong which relieved it a little, but still hurt incredibly when I was in the hole. Still doing what I can squat wise.

Front Squat
100kg * 5 * 3

BW * 10 * 3

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Squat + deadlift 14th May 2014

140 * 4 * 5
Played around with my stance to figure out how to get more power out of the hole. These were mostly speed and technique lifts since the weight was so light.

worked up to 250kg * 1
190kg * 5
These were done in oly shoes. Tried to engage more leg drive.

Deficit Deadlift
170kg * 3  * 5

Front squats (3 second pause)
100kg * 4 * 4

Overall, good session today. Happy with the deadlift. Can be considered a PR since it moved much faster than I've ever moved 250kg.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Bench 8th May 2014
Bench (2s Pause)
115kg * 3
120kg * 5
125kg * 3
130kg * 1 (regular)

Tricep rolling extensions
16kg * 15 * 4
1 min rest

Lateral Raises
3 sets of 12

Front Raises
3 sets of 12

Rear Raises
3 sets of 12

Bicep curls
100 reps with short bar

Bench 11th May 2014
Bench (pause 5s)
100kg * 2, 3, 2
110kg * 2, 3, 2
120kg * 2, 3, 2
130kg * 1 (comp style)
132.5kg * 1 (comp style)

Machine row
4 sets of 12

4 sets of 12

Squat 12th May 2014
200kg * 2 * 4
200kg * 1 (attempted pause, but came back up almost immediately)
160kg * 2 * 4
Played around with my stance abit. Pretty shit squat session, really slow out of the hole cause of the pain in my calves. Am stretching more to hopefully alleviate this issue.

Front squat
worked up to 160kg * 1
120kg * 3 * 3
100kg * 5 * 5
Tried to really move the 100kg as fast as I could. Haven't frontsquatted in a a while, so it was pleasant to hit 160kg without bowling over. This seemed more forgiving on the calves than back squats.

Bench 13th May 2014
Bench (pause 3s)
102.5kg * 2, 3, 2
112.5kg * 2, 3, 2
122.5kg * 2, 3, 2
132.5kg * 1 (comp style)
Still working on the pausing, but everything is moving really smooth and well.

Machine row
4 sets of 12

4 sets of 12

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Bench 4th May 2014
Bench (3s pause)
110kg * 3, 5, 3
117.5kg * 3, 5, 3
125kg * 1
127.5kg * 1
Still increasing cautiously on the bench since I'm relatively new to the technique.

Squat + Deadlift 6th May 2014
Squat (high bar)
Worked up to 180kg * 5
120kg * 6 * 4

worked up to 190kg * 3
210kg * 1
230kg * 1
242kg * 1
160kg * 3 * 5
242kg is a post injury PR for me. Was pretty snappy and I liked how it moved. Think I'm gradually getting the hang of the increasing acceleration idea. I alternated between pausing the reps off the floor and regular reps for the speed sets.

BW * 10 * 4

3 sets of 12

Standing ab crunch
3 sets of 12

Overall decent session with the PR, but my left calf really is bothering me because it's incredibly tight and pressing on a nerve. Shall get Aldrin to help me needle it tmr.

Bench 7th May 2014
Bench (5s pause)
112.5kg * 2, 3, 2
120kg * 2, 3, 2
127.5kg * 1
130kg * 1
Despite the fatigue from the pausing, 130kg flew up like cake. I think I'm getting the hang of this pausing thing. Starting to get more comfortable with resting the barbell on my chest, and relaxing the arms.

Machine row
4 sets of 12

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Training seems to be going well, but i'm still trying to figure out the nutrition side. Lionel recommended dropping the fat and replacing those calories with carbs instead. Adjusted my macros at the beginning of the week, so we shall see whether there's any diff in 2 weeks time. So far so good, since my cals are still at 3800-3900.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Squat 3rd May 2014

Worked up to 210kg * 3 (PR)
145kg *3 * 5
Pretty easy, RPE was about a 9 or slightly less. Can feel the groove getting more solid but my hips were still rising fast. Bar path was all over the place though.

BW * 10 * 4

Split squats
3 sets of 20

Standing Abs
3 sets of 12

Friday, May 2, 2014

Backlogged Trainings and Holiday

*Warning: Long post ahead*

Legs 23rd April 2014 
Worked up to 210kg * 2
120kg * 5 * 5

180kg * 3  * 5
200kg * 1
210kg * 1
220kg * 5

Hamstring Curls
3 sets of 12

Standing Abs
3 sets of 12

Pretty happy with the top squat set. That is an all time PR for me. I paused between the first and second rep for almost 15 secs trying to think if I should take a second rep. Ended up with a slower second rep but not too shabby still. On to better squats! Also pretty happy with the Deadlift top set. My est is approx 260kg now, which puts me back to my pre injury strength levels. Pretty happy with this session given that I was on holiday and spent the past 4 days before this particular session hiking up 5 different mountains. 

Bench 25th April 2014
worked up to 130kg * 1
105kg * 8 * 5
worked back up to 140kg * 2 (feet up)

Incline Bench
60kg * 28/15/10

DB press
25kg * 15 * 3

Lateral Raises
10kg * 20 * 3
Nothing too spectacular here but am happy since I hit all targets. Prob will count the 140kg * 2 as a feet up PR, since these moved much faster than I've ever felt them move.

Squat 28th April 2014
worked up to 125kg * 5 * 5

worked up to 170kg * 5
160kg * 3 * 5

BW * 10 * 4

Single leg press
4 sets of 20

Standing Abs
4 sets of 12

Bench 29th April 2014
Bench (3s pause)
90kg * 3, 5, 3
100kg * 3, 5, 3
110kg * 3, 5, 3
120kg * 1 (comp pause)
Brought my training max down as I shifted my grip out and changed up my technique to incorporate the russian advised style of benching. Also learning how to pause effectively. Will see how the increased frequency and technique changes affect my bench. I use a metronome placed below my head to ensure I stick to the pause timings. Much more accurate than having a person count or counting on my own.

Machine Row
4 sets of 12

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Bench 1st May 2014
Bench (5s pause)
105kg * 2
110kg * 3
115kg * 2
120kg * 1 (comp pause)
125kg * 1 (comp pause)

Lateral Raise/Front Raise/Rear Delt flyes
10kg * 12 * 3
Each exercise was 12 reps, done one after the other.

Rolling Tricep extensions
14kg * 15 * 3
Probably will up the intensity on this and see how it affects the regular benching.

Preacher DB curls
10kg * 20 * 3

Have transitioned into my strength building phase. Things are more settled in my life now and I'm able to increase my training frequency for the lifts how I'd like to, hence the decision to start benching 3x and squatting 2x a week. 

For the benching, as mentioned, i tweaked my bench technique so that I could more effectively pause, since I realized I always lose a lot of strength when I pause for longer periods. Shifted my grip out as my pec is better now, but approaching it cautiously lest I reinjure it.

For squats, I have added in another squat session per week. I am planning to alternate between intensity and volume. Will also be doing high bar on volume days and low bar on intensity days, but the training max used to calculate for both days are based on my low bar max. Will also be doing my deadlifting after my volume squat days so that I get used to pulling fatigued. 

So those are the few simple changes that I've made that will carry me into the next 12 weeks of training. Hopefully we'll see some good gains from it!