Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Backlogged training

24th June 2014 Squat & Deadlift
187.5kg * 4 * 3
167.5 * 4 * 3
Knee pain was more intense today, about an 8. Calf pain was lesser, about 5.5. Squatted narrower than usual today.

220kg * 1 * 10
1 min rest. Hips still higher than I'd like, but speed was decent.

BW * 10 * 4

21st June 2014 Squat & Deadlift
worked up to 225kg * 2 (PR)
185kg * 2 * 3
Yay for the PR. Felt pretty good and not super tough too.

Stiff legged deads
170kg * 5 * 3

BB row
80kg * 10 * 3

Lying TRX leg curl
BW * 10 * 3
super brutal lol

Been deloading my bench for the past 2 micro cycles so tmr i'm gonna be back on it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Squat + Deadlift 18 june 2014

Worked up to 200kg * 1

Paused Squat (3s)
160kg * 6 * 3
Working more on the low bar technique. Knee pain is about 6.5 and calf pain is about 7.5, so I guess the rehab work is working. 

Deficit Deads (2")
180kg * 2 * 5
190kg * 2 * 2
200kg * 2 * 1
230kg * 1
All deads were done for speed. 230kg was a little slow though. Also worked on a lower hip position as well as lower back integrity. Trying to marry my squatting and deadlifting.

BW * 8 * 3

Had a bench session two days back but it was so terrible, I don't think I wanna recall anything from it. Technique was off and I had to grind up my fatigue single after the work sets. Set a minor bench daddy PR (160kg * 5) but it was seesawing all over the place and basically felt and looked terrible. Will hone technique even more the coming session.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Backlogged trainings

Squat & Deadlift 11th June 2014
Squat (paused 2s)
160kg * 5 * 5
The knee pain in the bottom position is still about an 8/10, and the calf pain is about a 7.5/10, so squatting heavy is out of the cards for the time being. Figured I'll focus on the volume and continue dialing in technique while i sort this out. Probably will play around with longer pauses.

Deficit Deadlift (2")
worked up to 230kg * 1
200kg * 5 * 2
170kg * 3 * 6
Kept working on the speed today. 230 went up fairly fast, but not exactly a speedy rep, so cut it there. 

BW * 10 * 4

Bentover Rows Deadstop
60kg * 10 * 5

Cable Rows
4 sets of 15

Bench 13th June 2014
Bench (paused 3s)
125kg * 2, 2, 2
135kg * 2, 2, 2
142.5kg * 1, 1

Bench daddy Close grip
145kg * 3, 3, 3, 3
140kg * 5, 5

Close grip to foam (paused 1s)
90kg * 10 * 2

Tricep pushdowns
3 sets of 15

DB french press
3 sets of 12

DB curls
3 sets of 15

Lateral raises
3 sets of 15

Forgot to record down about 2 weeks worth of training, but in general, squat intensity has been scaled down to accomodate the injuries. Bench has been consistent, but my general work set ranges aren't very varied, only the length of pauses. Lightening the intensity on the squats while I try to sort out the calf and knee issues, as well as the shoulder issues from the benching. As of now, probably will squat and bench once every 3 days whilst simultaneously doing aggressive rehab for the injuries (which will just consist of mostly just stretching and drills). Really starting to feel like an old man. On the bright side, these injuries are all old injuries, so at least I know exactly what I'm dealing with. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Squat Trainings

Squat 30th May 2014
High Box Squat (inch above parallel)
worked up to 250kg * 3
Left upper arm tendons started inflamming up and really bothered my racking position, so I stopped the squatting there since I couldn't hold the bar well.

BW * 10 * 5

Squat 31st May 2014
No hand Squat
worked up to 150kg * 1
Just messing around, but I couldn't hold the bar cos the inflammation in the upper arm got worse. Did a shit ton of rehab work for it after. Also, I kinda wrenched my knee whilst rushing down some steps, so there is some pain in the knee joint, again likely due to inflammation of the ligament. This really isn't my year, so much shit happening to me dammit.

BW * 12 * 3

Squat 2nd June 2014
worked up to 190kg * 1
170 * 3 * 5
160 * 12 * 3
Had to go light today, since my knee is still bothering me. Focused more on the volume today. The arm inflammation has gone down, so that's one lesser thing to worry about. Calves are still nervy, but slightly better, so I think all the work i'm putting into releasing them everyday is working.

BW * 10 * 8

Shitload of stretching after. Just a couple minor setbacks, but am working them hard to get myself back up to speed. Still unsatisfied with the speed of my previous PR single, so next goal would be to move that much quicker.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Squat 26th May 2014
worked up to 210kg * 1
200kg * 4 * 5
150kg * 4 * 5 (paused)

BW * 10 * `4

 27th May 2014
Paused Bench (2s)
117.5kg * 3, 3
127.5kg * 3, 3
137.5kg * 1

Cable Rows
10 sets of 10

Tricep pushdowns
4 sets of 15

29th May 2014
Did double sessions today.

AM Session
Worked up to 230kg * 1 (PR)
150kg * 5 * 4 (Super narrow stance)
The narrow stance squats were done with the feet about 10 inches part.

5kg * 8 * 5

PM Session
Paused Bench (3s)
115kg * 2, 2, 2
122.5kg * 2, 2, 2
130kg * 2, 2, 2
137.5kg * 1
140kg * 1

Preacher bicep curls
3 sets of 20

Rolling DB tricep extensions
3 sets of 10

2 sets of 15

Cable curls
2 sets of 15

Band pullaparts
100 reps

As of now, my calves are still rather painful, especially in the bottom of the squat when I'm trying to get a nice bounce out of the hole. Am doing quite a fair amount of stretching and mashing to get it sorted out, but it seems to be pretty stubborn. Probably will keep off going too heavy in the squats for the next few weeks. Bench today was pretty easy. 140kg  flew up fairly fast despite the fatigue. I paused all the weights for 3s instead of doing comp pauses for the last singles. Shoulder position seems to be better, but the old labrum injury in the left shoulder is starting to act up a little due to the frequent benching.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Backlogged trainings

Bench 20th May 2014
Pause Bench (5s)
115kg * 3, 5, 3
125kg * 3, 5, 3
135kg * 1 (comp pause)

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 15

3 sets of 15

Band pullaparts
100 reps

Squat 22nd May 2014
worked up to 220kg * 1 * 2 (PR)
160 * 3 * 4
140 * 6 * 4

4 sets of 10
Calves are still painful, but very happy with the PRs.

Bench 23rd May 2014
Paused Bench (3s)
120kg * 2
125kg * 3
130kg * 2
135kg * 1 (comp pause)
137.5kg * 1 (comp pause)

DB row
50kg * 12 * 3

Cable row
2 sets of 15

Tricep DB extension
18kg * 10 * 2

Pushdowns with rope
2 sets of 15

Band pullaparts
100 reps

Squat + Bench 25th May 2014
180kg * 2 * 4
170kg * 2 * 4
170kg * 11

Pause Bench (5s)
105kg * 3, 5, 3
115kg * 3, 5, 3
125kg * 3, 3, 3, 2
137.5kg * 1 (comp pause)
Calves are still painful so the squats were done with a slower eccentric, and I tried to work on the speed. The rep set wasn't as bad as I thought. I think I probably had 2 more reps in the tank. Pause benches on the other hand, were incredibly tough today. The fatigue really set in and today I wasn't able to relax the right areas properly, so I realized my arms were pretty tensed for most of the sets. By the time I got to the 125kg  series, I had to break it down to 4 sets instead of 3. Very inefficient benching today.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Backlogged Trainings

Bench 15th May 2014
Paused Bench (5s)
117.5kg * 3
122.5kg * 5
127.5kg * 3
132.5kg * 1 (comp pause)

Cable Rows
4 sets of 12

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 12

Squat 16th May 2014
Squat (narrow stance)
worked up to 180kg * 1
140kg * 8 * 5

BW * 10 * 3

Both my calves have a nerve entrapment so getting in the hole is incredibly painful. Stuck with narrow stance since I had to use a light weight and get some volume in. Hopefully I'll fix this soon so I get back to squatting some heavy weight.

Bench 18th May 2014
Paused Bench (3s)
117.5kg * 2, 3, 2
125kg * 2, 3, 2
132.5kg * 1 (comp pause)
135kg * 1 (comp pause)

Rolling Tricep extensions
4 sets of 10

Cable rows
4 sets of 12

Push downs
2 sets of AMRAP

Bicep curls
2 sets of 20

Squat 19th May 2014
worked up to 200kg * 1
160kg * 3 * 5
Still feeling the horrible pain in the calves. Got some ART done by Chee Chong which relieved it a little, but still hurt incredibly when I was in the hole. Still doing what I can squat wise.

Front Squat
100kg * 5 * 3

BW * 10 * 3