Saturday, June 14, 2014

Backlogged trainings

Squat & Deadlift 11th June 2014
Squat (paused 2s)
160kg * 5 * 5
The knee pain in the bottom position is still about an 8/10, and the calf pain is about a 7.5/10, so squatting heavy is out of the cards for the time being. Figured I'll focus on the volume and continue dialing in technique while i sort this out. Probably will play around with longer pauses.

Deficit Deadlift (2")
worked up to 230kg * 1
200kg * 5 * 2
170kg * 3 * 6
Kept working on the speed today. 230 went up fairly fast, but not exactly a speedy rep, so cut it there. 

BW * 10 * 4

Bentover Rows Deadstop
60kg * 10 * 5

Cable Rows
4 sets of 15

Bench 13th June 2014
Bench (paused 3s)
125kg * 2, 2, 2
135kg * 2, 2, 2
142.5kg * 1, 1

Bench daddy Close grip
145kg * 3, 3, 3, 3
140kg * 5, 5

Close grip to foam (paused 1s)
90kg * 10 * 2

Tricep pushdowns
3 sets of 15

DB french press
3 sets of 12

DB curls
3 sets of 15

Lateral raises
3 sets of 15

Forgot to record down about 2 weeks worth of training, but in general, squat intensity has been scaled down to accomodate the injuries. Bench has been consistent, but my general work set ranges aren't very varied, only the length of pauses. Lightening the intensity on the squats while I try to sort out the calf and knee issues, as well as the shoulder issues from the benching. As of now, probably will squat and bench once every 3 days whilst simultaneously doing aggressive rehab for the injuries (which will just consist of mostly just stretching and drills). Really starting to feel like an old man. On the bright side, these injuries are all old injuries, so at least I know exactly what I'm dealing with. 

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