Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Squat + Deadlift 18 june 2014

Worked up to 200kg * 1

Paused Squat (3s)
160kg * 6 * 3
Working more on the low bar technique. Knee pain is about 6.5 and calf pain is about 7.5, so I guess the rehab work is working. 

Deficit Deads (2")
180kg * 2 * 5
190kg * 2 * 2
200kg * 2 * 1
230kg * 1
All deads were done for speed. 230kg was a little slow though. Also worked on a lower hip position as well as lower back integrity. Trying to marry my squatting and deadlifting.

BW * 8 * 3

Had a bench session two days back but it was so terrible, I don't think I wanna recall anything from it. Technique was off and I had to grind up my fatigue single after the work sets. Set a minor bench daddy PR (160kg * 5) but it was seesawing all over the place and basically felt and looked terrible. Will hone technique even more the coming session.

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