Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Backlogged sessions + 4th February 2014 Heavy benching session

Squat session 29th Jan 2014
Worked up to 135 * 5 * 5

Trap bar deadlifts
200 * 10

GHR abs
20 * 10 * 3

Press session 30th Jan 2014
Worked up to 80 * 3

Speed Bench (Super Close grip)
100 * 4 * 6

Accessories included cable rows, pull ups, pulldowns, band pull aparts

Squat session 31st Jan 2014
Worked up to 140 * 3 * 5, then up to 155 * 3

Trap bar deadlifts
140 * 3 * 6

GHR abs
20 * 10 * 3

Squat session 3rd Feb 2014
Worked up to 140 * 5 * 5
Worksets were all done in 10 mins. I was thoroughly shagged out after and took a half hour nap. 

Heavy Bench 4th Feb 2014
Close grip pause bench
115 * 4 * 5, 110 * 4
Pec still feeling strained and weak at the bottom.Still working on technique, so keeping the weights relatively light. Still having problems accelerating to the top.

Foam press Close grip pause bench
worked up to 110 * 2 * 3
Couldn't get the triceps to lock out the weight fast. Total cruising... something I need to work on.

Speed Bench Close Grip
90 * 3 * 4

BTN press
40 * 10
42.5 * 10
45 * 10
47.5 * 10
50 * 10

BW * 20 * 4
These were tougher than I imagined. Was swinging some, but not exactly kipping since I have no coordination to do that at all. hahaha

Little toe is still fractured, and as a result, I can't squat in my reebok's. Have been working on getting my flexibility up even more so I can get into a better squat position since I'll be squatting barefoot for a while till my toe heals up. Pec strain bruising has almost entirely disappeared, but it still feels alot of stress if I use any other grip other than close grip (one to two fingers on the smooth). Please heal up..... My luck has truly been shit thus far into the new year lol Let's hope we can turn this around! Grind on!!

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