Monday, December 16, 2013

Bench 16th December 2013

worked up to 117.5kg * 5
95 * 13/4/2 (rest pause set)
Slowly getting used to the minipause for all the reps in the sets, but it sure as hell makes a world of difference! Almost like doing deadlift reps touch and go vs deadstop, though not quite as intense. Expected to die out before 10 reps on the rest pause set, but surprised myself with 13 reps on the first round! That's probably a PR in itself. Also focused on pushing as explosively as possible, but still feel like my biceps are inhibiting the acceleration process. Couldn't film my lifts today as I was alone, so I couldn't measure the bar speed. 

Dead Bench
91 * 1
96 * 1
100 * 1 * 2
Rest time was 1.5 mins in between. Weight is still light, but approaching these with caution cos I remember lots of elbow problems the last time I rushed into these. Surprisingly the weight moves really fast when I do dead benching as opposed to regular benching.

Incline Bench
90 * 4 * 4
Was actually rather shagged by this point, so 90 for 4 reps actually felt like an RPE 9 HAHA weak shit man.

Weighted pull ups
28 * 4 * 5
BW * 12 * 3

Front raises
12 * 12 * 3

Elbows out extensions
14 * 15 * 3
All accessory work was kept fast, and I supersetted the BW pullups, raises and extensions. Rest time was less than a minute.

Groove was better today, though I still can't get as tight as I'd like to given the lumbar pain.

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