Monday, December 16, 2013

Bench 16th December 2013

worked up to 117.5kg * 5
95 * 13/4/2 (rest pause set)
Slowly getting used to the minipause for all the reps in the sets, but it sure as hell makes a world of difference! Almost like doing deadlift reps touch and go vs deadstop, though not quite as intense. Expected to die out before 10 reps on the rest pause set, but surprised myself with 13 reps on the first round! That's probably a PR in itself. Also focused on pushing as explosively as possible, but still feel like my biceps are inhibiting the acceleration process. Couldn't film my lifts today as I was alone, so I couldn't measure the bar speed. 

Dead Bench
91 * 1
96 * 1
100 * 1 * 2
Rest time was 1.5 mins in between. Weight is still light, but approaching these with caution cos I remember lots of elbow problems the last time I rushed into these. Surprisingly the weight moves really fast when I do dead benching as opposed to regular benching.

Incline Bench
90 * 4 * 4
Was actually rather shagged by this point, so 90 for 4 reps actually felt like an RPE 9 HAHA weak shit man.

Weighted pull ups
28 * 4 * 5
BW * 12 * 3

Front raises
12 * 12 * 3

Elbows out extensions
14 * 15 * 3
All accessory work was kept fast, and I supersetted the BW pullups, raises and extensions. Rest time was less than a minute.

Groove was better today, though I still can't get as tight as I'd like to given the lumbar pain.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Press 13th December 2013

worked up to 72.5 * 3 (can't remember the rest of the sets)
Basing my top sets upon my estimated max, which in this case, I took as 85% of my last 1RM. Lower back aches alittle pressing, but can be dealt with with some stretching.

Speed benching
90 * 3 * 6
Speeds (m/s): 2.48, 2.46, 1.87, 1.86, 1.87, 1.87
Benching with the feet down now, but still not as tight as I should be due to the lower back pain. Used a bar tracking app to measure the velocity of the benching, the speeds listed are all my peak velocities for each set. I realize I'm not conditioned to speed benching after not doing it for too long and too much cruise benching. So this is something I have to work on. Also, I didn't measure rest intervals, so I will have to do that starting from the next speed sesh.

Close grip foam press
110 * 3 * 3

Wide grip bench (paused)
90 * 6 * 3

Decent sesh, will get in my accessories tmr! Also, I started doing 150 to 200 pull ups on the off days, so this should give me about 800 reps a week. Will gradually increase this to 1000 a week, then start doing weighted. I think I will have to do these on the rings instead of the bar if not my shoulder's gonna give me problems haha

Squat 11th December 2013

3rd post injury squat session (1st one was with the SSB and a super high box that had me doing '851squats' [some of you might catch that reference], and 2nd one was to a lower box that was about 3 inches above parallel at swf)

Squat to box (~1.5 inch above parallel)
80 * 10 * 5
80 * 5 * 2 (tried out different foot positions and stances with Bryan's suggestion and watchful eye)

DB Hamstring Curl
10 * 12 * 5

Rack Pull (Knee height)
100 * 5 * 5

Reverse Hyper
BW * 12 * 3

Sled Pull
Pulled sleds with Bryan.

Lower back is starting to strengthen up. Squats are gradually becoming lower with minimal pain. Just above legal depth now, hopefully I can bring this down by the time I head to hk. Rack pulls are only at knee height, so still a ways to go. Slowly but surely though.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bench 9th December 2013

Warm up: Face pulls, rotator cuff exercises

Bar * 10
40kg * 5
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
87.5 * 3
100 * 3
110 * 3
115 * 3
120 * 3
122.5 * 3
Finally after 9 weeks of rehab, I can put my feet down when I bench! Yay no more faggotry. However, can't get tight cos it gets too painful if I try to arch, but am definitely feeling way more stable now with my feet down. I am still using the maxes and weights from my phaggot benching, as I slowly try to work back the technique. All the weights moved pretty fast today, so am very happy with that.

Dead bench (inch from chest)
85 * 1 * 8
60s rest intervals. Focused on trying accelerate the weight as best I could. Realized my weakness really is on not accelerating the weight as fast as I can. I tend to switch on cruise control whenever I get past the mid point. 

High Incline Bench
85 * 5 * 5

Weighted Pull ups
24 * 5 * 3
BW * 10 * 3

Front raises
8 * 12 * 3
Realized my front delts are actually much weaker than my triceps. Am including some additional work for them and gonna see what the results are like.

Programming wise, I'm gonna switch out the bench rep days for pressing, since now I can start doing presses without pain (as long as I wear a belt). The pressing will also follow the 352 format, and this will be followed by speed benching and heavy tricep (board) work. I will also include wide grip bench pressing as a supplemental exercise, since my chest and shoulders could really use the additional work.

Injury wise, rehab is coming along nicely, I am starting to squat even lower, gradually using lower and lower boxes. I'm almost at parallel with no pain, so it's major progress for me and only in 9 weeks. I must say I'm pretty stoked, considering how bad the tear was this time. 

More good news, I also experimented with a few exercises and realized that I can do lying leg curls (with a DB) and single leg split squats now without pain, in addition to my box squatting and sled dragging. Will be experimenting with rack pulls tmr to find the bottom limit range for my pulling, although I'm still miles away from the deadlift bar height.

As a result of all this, I'm gonna get back on diet and bump the macros back up to >350/320/100. Will bump up the carbs as needed. Step by step, I am coming back!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Max Bench 2 December 2013 & Reps Bench 5 December 2013

2nd December

Warm up: Face pulls, tricep pushdowns, rear delt machine, rotator cuff

Bench (feet up)
Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 5
100 * 2
110 * 2
115 * 2
120 * 2
125 * 2
Easy double, but that was the goal today, so just stopped there. Rest time between sets was fast, not more than a couple minutes.

Incline Bench (speed)
90 * 3 * 8

Machine Row
75 * 12 * 4

Lat pulldown
65 * 20 * 4
Kinda hard to explain how I did the back work, but basically, the legs are sorta kept out of the movement so I can't arch as much due to the pain.

5th December 2013

Warm up: Face pulls, tricep pushdowns, rear delt machine, rotator cuff

Bench (feet up)
Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 5
100 * 1
102.5 * 8, 10
Was supposed to get 10 with 102.5 today, but I took such short rests in between the sets, that I ended up only getting 8. So I rest about 4 mins, then gave it another shot and got the 10. Somehow my high reps really suck, although it could be the half second pause for each rep, that's why they are harder than I expected them to be.

DB press
32 * 8 * 3

Close grip foam press Paused
100 * 5 * 3

Super wide grip bench Paused
80 * 6 * 3

Tricep pushdowns
3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP

Injury update: Managed to bend over yesterday with lesser pain. Rehab is progressing relatively well, albeit slow. Constant rolling of my glutes has somewhat helped to alleviate the sciatica. Am aiming to be able to deadlift at the dead meet. Two weeks seems doable.