Thursday, November 28, 2013

Injury Update plus training plans plus getting back on my feet

So the last time I updated was quite a while back. Anyway, my condition is slowly but surely getting better. Apparently, it's sciatica compounded with my lumbar tear that's been causing so much pain. Essentially it's a super horrible back sprain, but I'm actually glad to hear that, cos I'm just relieved it's not a disc issue, which would take me longer to get back from. 

Rehab is coming along well, plenty of stretching and deep tissue relief (self administered most of the time) and TVA/core exercises, as well as slowly getting back movement patterns. I can squat to a really high box now, which is sorta a quarter squat, but I can't bend over just yet. Still, progress is progress. My current target is to start squatting in January and hopefully be able to Deadlift by end Jan. 

Training wise, I've been all over the place, freestyling it mostly. For a couple weeks I trained my bench as and when I wanted, sometimes 3 or 4 days in a row, but there was no structure. I imagine cos this was mostly due to the fact that my 'rehab' had replaced most training time and all the energy I could muster after was just enough to bench. After discussing with Bryan, I decided to fix two bench days a week, one max and one rep day. The max day would follow a 352 format (instead of 531), whilst the rep days would be an 8-12-10 (although after one cycle, I might change this to 6-10-8). I am still phaggot benching (ie. benching with my feet on the bench), so I used a training max at 90% of my best phaggot bench 1RM. Also, I've changed my benching to 'pause' benching. Not a true competition pause, but just making sure the bar doesn't bounce off the chest.

Other days, aside from rehab, I will incorporate sled dragging for my lower body.

Nutrition wise, I did about 10 days of keto just to lower my BF abit, and am now carb cycling based on my macros. High days are 500/200/~, and low days are 100/300/120. High days are for the two training days, whilst the rest of the week are low days.

Ok, think I've babbled on enough! Here's an update from today's training, which is week 2's rep day.

Bench Reps Week 2 28th November 2013

Bar * 10, 10
40kg * 5
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 5
95 * 12
Looks easy, but definitely wasn't easy. I probably could have only gotten one more rep. The pausing really makes it so much tougher.

Seated DB press
40 * 8 * 4
Been forever since I last did these, but glad that there's some strength there still. Had to get someone to help me get the DBs on my lap, since I couldn't bend down to pick them up. Seriously phaggoty.

Lat pulldowns
4 sets of 10

Machine rows
4 sets of 10

Elbows out DB extensions
15 * 10 * 4

Tricep push downs
3 sets of 15

Preacher curls
3 sets of 15

All rest times were about a min.

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